Woman Shares the 4 Controversial Things She Never Buys as a Dog Mom

CC Jaromir Chalabala/Shutterstock

When it comes to buyings things for your dog, it's easy to go along with the crowd — especially if you're a first time dog owner. But one woman online isn't afraid to go against the grain. Now she's sharing the four things she'd never, ever, buy her dogs.

It takes a lot of trial and error, but it seems like the dog mama learned her lessons the hard way.

Hence why she came up with her list of doggy no-nos.

"Four things I will not spend my money on as ever again a a dog mom," she said in the video. The first product on her list might be controversial — Greenies. Yes, Greenies! You know those green, little treats you give your dog to clean its teeth and breath? Well according to the woman, these are full of fillers and don't work.

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Instead she prefers a meaty or dehydrated bone to help keep her dog's teeth clean.

Other Products She Doesn't Recommend

Another dog product she doesn't like? Stuffies. This one hurts, especially if your dog is obsessed with their Lamb Chop. But the woman has her reasons. In her opinion, a Kong toy, or toy that has ropes inside of it, are much better. They don't have that fluff inside of them that goes everywhere and sort of feels like a waste of money.

You'll be happy to know that the woman does love slow feeders — but there are limits. She says that some slow feeders are meant to look aesthetically pleasing, which is great for your home decor but not so great for keeping dogs occupied. You want to make a good investment and buy a slow feeder that will really keep your dog engaged.

The last one is probably the most controversial — dog treats. Not all dog treats mind you, but definitely those pricy ones at the pet store. Instead, she advises that people make their own treats that are healthier, easy to make, and cost way less money.

Some people in the comments section really dug her advice. "The vet is always like 'they have really good teeth what do you use?' Sticks, they just have sticks," joked one person. "My dog honestly likes just pieces of carrots and blueberries more as treats than actual treats," someone else shared. "Yes!! Those Greenies messed my dogs up," a third person agreed.

While others thought she was way off-base.

"Having paid for intestinal blockage surgery, rope toys are a no no," one person pointed out. "My dog loves her stuffies. Treats them like babies. No ripping them apart for her lol," someone else shared. "Greenies actually did wonders for my dog's teeth so in my experience they work very well," chimed in one commenter.

The bottom line is you have to do what works best for your dog. What might be one woman's "never buys" might be another's favorite doggy things.

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