Woman Attacked by Bull on Baja California Sur Beach in Harrowing Video


A woman was attacked by a bull in the Cabo San Lucas area of Mexico’s Baja California Sur this past weekend. CBS News shared a video of the shocking encounter on Wednesday, May 15th, and it left many people scratching their heads and wondering what the woman was thinking.

The video begins with the bull rifling through someone's belongings (it was reported the belongings didn't belong to the woman) looking for food. Instead of leaving the bull alone, the woman decided to try to take the bags away from the bull. Make sure your sound is on so that you can hear onlookers warn her of the danger and beg her to move away from the bull before it's too late.

The woman didn't heed onlooker warnings and the bull charged at the woman, striking her with its horns and throwing her down into the sand. It strikes her several more times as she continues to try to get up and away from it. The bull only leaves her alone was she stays down in a fetal position. She is able to get up and walk away, however her condition and injuries remain unknown.

CBS News commenters were outraged by the woman's actions. @Hey__molls said, "Has she never heard YouMessWithTheBullYouGetTheHorns?" and @Frankie Z added, "A bull named Karma." @Mirth shared, "One of those “you can’t tell me what to do” women." and another commenter pointed out, "Play stupid games, win stupid prizes."

Related: Bull Taking It Upon Himself to Help Farmer with Chores Is the Ultimate Wing Man

When Animals Attack

Fox News also covered the story and shared that the beach is close to several ranches which makes close encounters with livestock a common occurrence in the area according to Torres García, an official with the Federal Maritime Terrestrial Zone. He went on to say it is also common to see donkeys wandering around the area and tourists are known to try and feed them, "However, we make the recommendation that they do not do so in order to prevent a situation similar to that of the bull attack from happening because a donkey can bite a person." I mean it seems like that should be common sense!

People approaching wildlife is never a good idea. These animals are unpredictable and can go from docile to attack mode in seconds. In Nambia recently, a group of tourists were hippo watching when a male hippo attacked the boat for no apparent reason. Safari goers were in for a wild ride when this elephant attacked their tour truck in South Africa. And these kayakers in California were nearly swallowed before being spit out by a whale.

Getting up close and personal with animals can be an amazing experience, until the unexpected happens and it turns into a near death experience. While I hope the woman in the video that was attacked is okay physically and mentally, she should've known better. I hope she learned her lesson.

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