Video Shows Parakeet Flirting With His Mate Like a True Little Romeo

CC David Steele/Shutterstock

Humans think we've cornered the market on romance, but perhaps we need to take some notes from our feathered friends. One Indian Ring-Necked Parakeet really knew how to woo his lady friend, as an adorable video of the two shows.

In the video, Mintee knew exactly what to say to his sweetie to make her heart flutter.

Who would've thought that a tiny, green bird would be a regular Romeo? Not us, but we were definitely proven wrong in the video his owner shared online. It shows Mintee perched next to another Indian Ring-Necked Parakeet named Amber.

Related: Indian Ring-Necked Parakeet Enjoying a Spa Day Will Make Anyone Want One

"Peekaboo! What are you doing? Meow, meow, meow," he said to her. Not exactly the stuff of Shakespeare is it? But then Mintee gave his girl a sweet kiss on the beak. "Mwah!" The bird snuggled up next to Amber and gave her even more affection. We guess that's why they call them love birds, huh?

The comments section couldn't stop cracking up over Mintee's smooth moves. "White bird: staaahhhhppp...there are people around.....," joked one person. "Bro's rizzing her up in three different languages," another commenter teased. "What a charmer! Some men need to take a lesson from this bird!" one person chimed in. "This is so adorable and precious, the way he’s telling her how he feels," someone else pointed out.

Indian Ring-Necked Parakeets Are Talkers

If you're thinking about getting a bird, keep in mind that there are chatty birds and birds that don't really talk. Both have their good and bad parts, but if you're interested in getting an affectionate bird like Mintee (who isn't afraid to show it) here's what you need to know about the talkative Indian Ring-Necked Parakeet.

It can sometimes be a toss up whether or not your bird is going to be chatty. But with Indian Ring-Necked Parakeets it's pretty much guaranteed. These guys are notorious talkers. Indian Ring-Necks were once considered sacred for their ability to mimic human speech.

Indian Ring-Necks are especially known for having very clear speech and for being able to learn anywhere from dozens to hundreds of words. Talking can start anywhere from 8 months to a year and language is learned quickly. You can help the process along by speaking to your bird everyday. After all they're more likely to pick up new words based on what you say. So make sure you spend some quality time with your bird everyday and they'll surely end up being a charmer like Mintee.

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