Veterinarian Lists 4 Foods He Would Never Feed His Cat


South African Veterinarian Amir Anwary is always sharing very helpful information about anything and everything to do with pets. Most of the time he focuses on dogs, and then in the comment section of his videos people always ask, "What about cats?"

He recently shared a video about foods he wouldn't feed his dogs, and of course, people wanted to know which cat foods he would list. He shared this video on Wednesday, May 22, and one of the cat foods that made his list may surprise you. What I like about this list is that not only does he list the brand and cost of the food, but he also explains why he doesn't like each of them. It's about 4 minutes long, but worth the watch if you're a cat owner.

Dr. Anwary's video received more than 700 comments...people wanted to know more! Many people asked which wet and dry food he would recommend. Others wanted recommendations for budget friendly brands. People were also interested in what treats he'd recommend. He's got a lot of questions to answer!

Related: Cat Loves the Dog's Food So Much She Actually Screams for It

Choosing the Right Food for Your Cat

Should you give your cat wet food or dry? Knowing what kind of food to give your cat can be tricky to figure out, especially if you've never had a cat before. When we were kids, I'm pretty sure my mom just bought our cats whatever food was cheapest, as do many people. I don't have a cat, but we did just get a dog and I pay attention to a few things that cat owners should also be paying attention to.

Do you know your cat's nutritional needs based on its size? Each breed can vary, so knowing your cat's weight, size, and age are necessary when figuring out how much food they need. In turn this can help you determine what kind of food to buy. Kittens and adult cats should be fed a diet of high-quality, premium commercial cat food but each has different nutritional needs which is why it's so important to check the label to make sure it's designed for your cat's age. The label should also recommend how much to feed each day based on your cat's weight.

Should you feed wet vs. dry food? Interestingly, this depends on how much moisture your cat needs. Wet food has more moisture (and is higher in protein), so if your cat has hydration issues, kidney issues, or is a picky eater, wet food might be the better option for them. Or you can talk to your vet about doing a feeding of wet and dry each day.

It's always a good idea to talk with your vet about your pet's own individual needs. If you have more than one, each pet may need different foods or serving amounts. It's not always a one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to keeping our fur babies healthy.

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