UK cyclist is towing block of ice to COP26 to raise awareness of climate change

A doctor is cycling 400 miles to COP26 climate conference -- while pulling a large block of ice behind him.

Jet McDonald, 50, came up with the idea while cycling to work last month.

The journey of more than 400 miles will take a week to complete with stopovers at supporters' homes en route.

Dad-of-one Jet said: "Essentially it's a message to say time is running out.

"I've met people and had really good conversations about climate change from it.

"There was a man in his 70s who stopped for a chat and said he had noticed the seasons bleeding into one another, and not being as distinct as they were when he was younger.

"He then asked what was the point in changing if countries like Russia and China

"I explained the UK should take a leadership role to help un-revolutionise essentially the Industrial Revolution.

"It's good to engage in the debate and not politicise it but have a grown up conversation.

After arriving at the COP26 climate summit on Sunday, Jet says he will return to his home in Bristol via train.
