Dolphin jumps onto boat and breaks woman's ankles

Dolphin jumps onto boat and breaks woman's ankles
Dolphin jumps onto boat and breaks woman's ankles

A dolphin leaped out of the water and onto a boat in California - breaking a woman's ankles in the process.

Dirk Frickman and his wife Chrissie were boating with their two children in southern California on 21 June when a pod of dolphins swam up beside them.

While they were admiring the beautiful scene, one of the animals suddenly jumped onto the boat, landing on Chrissie's legs and breaking both ankles.

Dirk managed to pull her out from underneath the dolphin and called authorities as he headed back to an Orange County harbour.

At the same time, he was trying to splash water on the dolphin, which was thrashing and bleeding from cuts to its nose.

According to the BBC, he said: "I was letting go of the wheel every 30 seconds to a minute and slowing down and pouring water on her.

"I could hear my phone buzzing and beeping on the floor - it was covered in blood."

Once back at the harbour, with the help of two others, Dirk managed to get the dolphin back into the water.

The Daily Telegraph reports that he added: "The dolphin was hopefully saved. It swam away with no problem."

Sergeant DJ Haldeman of the harbour patrol confirmed the incident and, speaking to the Guardian, he said sea lions have been known to jump aboard boats, but he had never heard of a dolphin doing it.

He added: "I don't know what was in the water, but something must have scared it out."

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