Mystery elephant shows up on beach in Florida (video)

Elephant Spotted in the Ocean
Elephant Spotted in the Ocean

A mystery elephant has been spotted paddling in the sea on a beach in Florida.

Todd Unbehagen was walking on the beach with his family in Pinellas County when they spotted an elephant walking around in the water.

According to, he said: "We could not believe our eyes

"There was a professional elephant trainer there and a couple of police officers for the event. It looked like somebody was having a party (private) at the beach house, and the elephant was giving rides as well to the guests."


Todd's footage was uploaded to YouTube, and, of course, he just had to get a selfie of him with the elephant in the background.

Apparently, it is not unheard of to have an elephant at your party in Florida. Back in February, a woman asked the city commission if she could have a trained elephant make an appearance at her 60th birthday party. The request was approved, reports

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