Are these the worst airline meals ever?

Are these the worst airline meals ever?
Are these the worst airline meals ever?

We've all been there - prodding at at an in-flight meal that' been unceremoniously plonked in front of us just to check exactly what it is we're about to tuck into.

But some passengers are so peeved by their low-grade grub, they've taken to a website called to post pictures of their foul fodder, mark them out of ten, and name and shame the airlines.

Since its inception 10 years ago, the site has more than 26,000 photographs of meals - good and bad - eaten (or not) on more than 600 airlines, according to the Daily Mail.

One disgruntled passenger was lost for words when describing an Air Botswana flight meal (pictured above): "Meat something with vegetable something. [...] The drink was some fluorescent green soda."

Are these the worst airline meals ever?
Are these the worst airline meals ever?

Another passenger flying from Moscow to Malta on Aeroflot, snapped a rather fishy-looking salmon main course, writing: "The worst I've had from Aeroflot. The salmon was the same age as my grandma . . . lunch was poor and not fresh. HORRIBLE!"

One Ukraine International passenger wrote about their in-flight non-delight:"The most striking thing about this meal was the lurid yellow color of the omelette. Decidedly unnatural, but perhaps this was the caterer's attempt to support the Orange Revolution in Kiev. Sausage was pure plastic, so I didn't touch it-and I wasn't sure why it was split down the middle . . . to reveal its meat-free content perhaps?"

Are these the worst airline meals ever?
Are these the worst airline meals ever?

Is this the worst you've seen? Or have you received more nausea-inducing airline dishes than this? Let us know below...

See a host of weird dishes around the world here:

