Senior Golden Retriever Ignores McDonald's Burger to 'Make Sure Mom's Safe'

CC Annette Shaff/Shutterstock

Dogs pretty much think with their stomachs. There's literally no cause greater to them than to get closer to food. So we just know that one woman was so touched when her senior Golden Retriever completely ignored a hot meal to watch over her. To a dog, there is no greater sign of love.

Makenzie Cann learned just how much her dog cares for her in a video where she attempted a recent internet challenge.

The challenge goes like this: two people stand in front of a fast food meal and play a round of rock, paper, scissors. Once someone loses, they have to run around the space they're standing in (typically a parking lot) while the winner gets to eat as much of the meal as possible before they get back.

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Cann wanted to give it a try with her senior Golden Retriever, Raffi. She picked up a fresh McDonald's burger and set it in front of them. But Raffi surprised her. Even though the Golden "won" the round, he didn't even sniff the food, instead he watched his mama — completely ignoring the meal in front of him.

"Sobbing over my burger and fries right now," she wrote in the caption. Cann wasn't the only one. People online were totally emotional over the clip. "He chose you over the food," wrote one person. "The way our old dogs don’t have the energy to chase us anymore but will always watch us to make sure we’re ok," someone else chimed in. "He’s like ok you run we eat when you get back, sweet boy," a third commenter added.

What to Feed Your Dog From McDonald's

Ideally you'd only feed your pet dog food. But sometimes you're out grabbing yourself some fast food and want to treat your pup too. If you happen to head to McDonald's you might wonder what you can feed your dog, if anything. The truth is, McDonald's isn't really healthy for dogs and shouldn't be a regular part of their diet. But people who want to indulge their pets seem to know that this is rare treat.

The best options for dogs are healthy proteins without lots of fat, salt, and processed carbs. Remember certain foods can be dangerous to dogs, so avoid anything with onion, garlic powder, or other herbs and spices.

Your best bet is a grilled chicken sandwich, either with or without a bun. They're full of protein, lower in calories, and are less likely to hurt your dog's tummy. But again, keep it as a special treat — not a main part of your dog's diet.

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