Rescuers Race To Help Elk Who Fell Through Ice in Banff, Canada


Sometimes everybody could use a little help, including our four-legged friends. The Weather Channel shared a video on Sunday, March 31st of an incredible team of people who came together to help a bull elk that was trapped in the icy waters of Bow River in Banff, Canada.

The elk had been struggling, trying to free himself from the waters as ice continued to break around him. Watch as Parks Canada's rescue team sprang into action, clearing a path through the ice to help free the elk. The rescuers told reporters that it seemed that the elk understood the team's intentions, and cooperated with them as they worked to get the elk to safety.

I'm so glad that this story had a happy ending! The elk could have drowned in the river in Banff, but rescuers were able to gain his trust and save him. The Weather Channel's commenters also were glad that the story ended on a high note. One commenter said, "Beautiful community cooperation!" and @Suzanne SC made me laugh when she shared, "I like how the elk sort of took a moment to shake it off like, “I was fine! Just swimming!” LOL!"

Related: Watch: Firefighters Race to Save Elk From Icy Pond in Colorado

Interesting Elk Facts

Did you know that antlers are bone, and they grow extremely fast? In just about six months, they go from nubs on the elk's head to six-or seven-point racks. And not all elk lose their antlers each mating season. Elk compete against other elk during mating season and if they lose and don't find a mate during the rut (the sound they make is called "bugling" when looking for a mate), they keep their antlers until the next mating season.

Elk are highly social animals and live in herds. They are significantly smaller than moose but a bit larger than deer and grow three to five feet tall. Male elk are called bulls, females are called cows, and babies are called calves. Calves are born in May and June and at birth their camouflaged colored fur helps to conceal them from predators.

Elk can run up to 45 MPH, so if you ever come across one, stand your ground because you can't outrun them...I can't imagine getting hit with those antlers would feel good! Stay far away from these wild animals by just using your thumb as Redwoods Rising describes in this video. It's one I'm going to keep in my back pocket for the next time we are hiking in the woods!

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