Real Mr Bates emotional at This Morning surprise from Richard Branson

Alan Bates and his wife Suzanne have been offered a holiday of a lifetime. (PA)
Alan Bates and his wife Suzanne have been offered a holiday of a lifetime. (PA) (Welsh Snapper)

What did you miss?

The real Alan Bates, whose battle against the Post Office scandal featured in a hit ITV drama, was nearly brought to tears by a surprise luxury holiday offer from Richard Branson.

Bates, whose story has been dramatised in Mr Bates vs The Post Office, appeared on Monday's This Morning, where viewers were moved by a generous gesture from Virgin boss Branson and the former subpostmaster's reaction to it.

What, how, and why?

The Post Office scandal was one of the biggest miscarriages of justice in UK history which former subpostmaster Alan Bates tirelessly fought against.

Bates had been wrongly accused of theft as a victim of a faulty computer system, along with hundreds of other Post Office employees, and in 2018 he and five other victims fought their case in court.

Watch: Alan Bates gets an offer of a lifetime from Richard Branson

Their harrowing story and the legal battle has been told in recent ITV drama Mr Bates vs The Post Office, where Bates is played by Toby Jones.

He gave an interview about his experiences to The Times, where he joked: "If Richard Branson is reading this, I’d love a holiday," - and now, the Virgin Group boss has surprised him with a trip of a lifetime.

Bates and his wife Suzanne were guests on Monday's This Morning, where hosts Josie Gibson and Craig Doyle revealed the good news.

He looked close to tears as they read out Branson's letter, which said: "Dear Alan, I did get a chance to read your moving interview in The Times, and we’d love to offer you and Suzanne a well earned holiday on Necker Island.

"I can’t think of anyone who deserves a break more. Hopefully see you there. Best, Richard."

Alan Bates is played by Toby Jones in Mr Bates vs The Post Office. (ITV)
Alan Bates is played by Toby Jones in Mr Bates vs The Post Office. (ITV)

The couple have also been offered upper class return flights, and a Mediterranean cruise from Virgin Voyagers.

Suzanne said: "Wow," as Alan added: "Thank you very much Richard! Much appreciated! Much needed, but very much appreciated."

Viewers were also moved, as one person wrote on X: "Aww I’m not crying you are so well deserved for Mr Bates & his partner Suzanne. Hope they have an amazing time."

Someone else added: "God bless them and everyone who’s been affected by this terrible scandal by the post office and the government."

Another person commented: "Aw him welling up has got me tearing up. Enjoy your holiday."

What else has been happening after Mr Bates vs The Post Office aired?

The drama has had a huge effect on viewers. (ITV)
The drama has had a huge effect on viewers. (ITV)

ITV's drama has had a lasting effect on viewers, who were outraged by the injustice the Bates and others like them faced as played out by Toby Jones and Julie Hesmondhalgh.

Carol Vorderman reflected on the show on X, where she shared her hopes for justice while responding to actor Julie Hesmondhalgh: "#MrBatesVsThePostOffice we understand so much more now about the depths to which those who govern will sink in order to protect only themselves. Paula Vennells & all others responsible should be brought to justice, & if there aren't laws to do so, then they need to be created."

Another viewer said of the series: "As the son of a sub-postmaster I watched this thinking it could’ve been any of us. Honest, hard-working people had their lives ruined. Alan Bates is a hero. Well done Toby Jones for an acting masterclass. A great cast. Thinking of all those still fighting."

Sharing how viewers can help those affected by the scandal, one viewer said: "For those asking 'what can we do now?' The wonderful Alan Bates is asking people to write to their MP calling for compensation for the victims."

Read more: Post Office scandal

This article originally appeared on Yahoo TV UK at
