Watch: Sunak’s election announcement drowned out by Labour’s 1997 campaign anthem

The rain got significantly harder as Sunak went on
The rain got significantly harder as Sunak went on - HENRY NICHOLLS

Rishi Sunak’s election launch was disrupted by a heavy downpour and protesters blasting out the New Labour anthem Things Can Only Get Better.

The Prime Minister had come out of the door of No 10 to make a statement on his decision to call an election for July 4.

The rain had already started coming down when he started his speech – but got significantly harder as he went on, what started as drizzle turning into pouring rain.

Meanwhile, a loudspeaker on Whitehall was playing the D:Ream song Things Can Only Get Better.

The music was blasted out by Steve Bray, a serial protester in Westminster, and 10 other pro-European Union activists.

The upbeat song, which went to number one in 1994 and was co-opted by Tony Blair’s Labour for his 1997 election campaign, almost succeeded in drowning out Mr Sunak’s words altogether.

One Liberal Democrat source quipped: “Things can only get wetter.”

The Prime Minister ploughed on for several minutes, straining at times to ensure his words could be heard above the background music.

Mr Bray told The Telegraph that he and his fellow activists interrupted the speech because they are opposed to the Conservatives.

“Look what these Tories have done to all of our lives,” he said.

“We’ve had years of interruption, and we’ve got the highest taxes since the Second World War. I think they owe us far more than being interrupted.”

Mr Bray said stealing Mr Sunak’s limelight “feels good” and ruining the speech was “job done”.

Asked why he did it, he said: “Basically, to let people know that there are other choices, and we don’t have to put up with this bull---t from these lying, cheating Tory charlatans.”

Mr Bray added: “He’s [Rishi Sunak a multi-millionaire, do you think he cares?”
