Watch again: View of Israel-Gaza border as Netanyahu orders military to plan Rafah evacuation

Watch again as live view shows the Israel-Gaza border on Saturday (10 February) after Israeli Prime MinisterBenjamin Netanyahu ordered the military to plan the evacuation of Rafah.

The Israeli Prime Minister ordered his army to prepare a dual plan to evacuate and attack Rafah, the last refuge for Palestinians in Gaza, despite repeated warnings from aid agencies of a “bloodbath” and the US saying an assault would be “a disaster”.

Mr Netanyahu said it was “impossible” to achieve the goals of the war without going into the southern border city and eliminating what he claimed was the last stronghold of Hamas, who launched a bloody attack inside Israel on 7 October.

In a statement he said a “massive operation” was needed and ordered the military and security establishment “to submit to the cabinet a combined plan for evacuating the population and destroying the battalions”.
