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The house that hasn't changed in 50 years
  • John Collingwood has lived in the house all of his life.
  • He still uses the cooker his mother bought some 65 years ago, and the 1965 fridge.
  • Some things even pre-date him, with bathroom fittings from 1925.
  • The retired textile worker doesn't believe in throwing things away just because there's something newer and more fancy on the market.
  • He was reluctant to have central heating installed.
  • Collingwood with a collection of antique vacuum cleaners.
  • Rather than splashing his cash on entertainment, he still uses a wind-up gramophone and a radio from 1950.
  • The resurgence 1950s and 1960s style means that some of the items he has are in high demand - and he's been made offers on some of his period furniture.
  • He does have one newer item though!
  • This laundry room was originally an air raid shelter during WWII.
