We have six weeks to save Britain from Labour’s green dystopia

Shadow energy secretary Ed Miliband
Shadow energy secretary Ed Miliband

I have decided not to seek re-election to Parliament. I have no wish to retire or give up on a life involved in debating the ideas for a better tomorrow. I am proud of our country’s history, of our role in the growth of democracy and free enterprise. We can offer the world much more.

Today, we need to make wise choices about energy. If we take national security seriously we need to reduce our growing and worrying dependence on imports for our power. The greater prosperity I want requires more and cheaper energy from domestic sources. Oil and gas from home brings more well paid jobs and tax revenue.

Enthusiasts for Net Zero tell us we can have carbon free power and cheap energy. Labour say that, if we allow them to invest public money in wind turbines across our land as well as around our seas, there will be an abundance of cheap power to lower our bills. This is nonsense. There are many times when the wind does not blow. We would need to build many more gas power stations as back up, using them intermittently and expensively when the wind dropped. Otherwise we would need to build vast industrial complexes to convert wind power when it was around into hydrogen fuel, rolling out a new network to refuel vehicles with hydrogen and changing the gas in our pipes and boilers. Labour’s refusal to spell out which it would be shows us that their Great British Energy is just a soundbite.

Saying all this can be achieved by a nationalised industry is also chilling. Do they have in mind the Post Office’s treatment of its staff, or HS2’s cavalier approach to cost overruns or the Bank of England’s ability to lose taxpayers colossal sums? Why should we believe them that this nationalised business would be different? Taxpayers would once again take a big hit.

The Government has been on a necessary journey. It now proposes Net Zero realism, accepting that some of the stretching targets are unachievable. They have dumped the idea of early banning of the sale of new petrol and diesel cars. They have identified the need to step up nuclear, though of course the first task is to replace the many older plants that are about to close. They see that this revolution can only succeed if many people willingly buy the green products some politicians are keen to recommend for others. When, and only when, electric cars have the range, affordable price tags and better recharging capabilities, will more be sold. When there is an alternative to the gas boiler that keeps us warm without charging a fortune to install, more progress will be made.

As the Conservatives think this through further it will require amending some policies. Fining car makers in the UK for daring to sell too many petrol cars people want to buy will not green the world but will close more factories at home. Requiring people to install a smart meter as a prelude to flexing tariffs and availability to affect when we can use power at home worries many. It has disrupted some who took a smart meter only to be let down by it and even badly overcharged.

The wish of the greens is both to convert all UK power generation to zero carbon methods, and at the same time to switch many things from the direct use of fossil fuel to the use of electricity. This will require huge investment and a massive expansion of nuclear, wind and solar energy far bigger than anything being attempted this decade. It also requires a practical and expensive solution to storing and transporting renewables to cater for bad weather and the many hours when we live in the dark.

Some 80 per cent of the world’s energy use is fossil fuel. Given most UK voters have a gas boiler and a petrol or diesel car, meaning they too are heavily reliant on oil and gas, I welcome moves to more realism. To keep the lights on we need more gas fired power stations quickly with decisions about how you store and use more wind and solar power and how you treble the size of the grid before banking on more wind turbines. It will not green the world if the UK goes ahead reducing its own carbon footprint by importing liquid gas and other energy. That way madness lies – we end up with more world CO2, a bigger balance of payments deficit, less tax revenue at home and higher prices.

Sir John Redwood is MP for Wokingham and author of ‘The $275 Trillion Green Revolution: Will Consumers Buy It?’
