Rob and Rylan’s Grand Tour, review: one of the BBC’s odder travelogues turns out to be a tonic

Rob Rinder and Rylan Clark proved entertaining company on their trip to Italy
Rob Rinder and Rylan Clark proved entertaining company on their trip to Italy

This year marks the 200th anniversary of Lord Byron’s death, and what more appropriate way to mark it than by sending Rob Rinder and Rylan Clark to relive his Grand Tour days in Italy? This must be one of the BBC’s most random commissioning ideas.

It works, though. And it ends up being a show that is difficult to categorise. Rob and Rylan’s Grand Tour (BBC Two) begins in Venice, and does all the things you would expect of a celebrity travelogue. They take a gondola, look around the Doge’s Palace, visit Murano to see some glass-blowing. But at the same time, the programme functions as a kind of self-help session for these two presenters who have been through bruising divorces. I know, on paper that sounds like ghastly self-indulgence, but the pair address their issues with honesty, humour and a big dollop of joy.

A third strand is Clark discovering high culture with the help of his more learned friend. “I wouldn’t say art intimidates me. However, people talking about art can intimidate me,” he admits. “I come from quite a working-class background and art wasn’t the thing that we had hanging up in our houses – it would be fake chandeliers from down the market.” Rinder is a taxi driver’s son who was raised by a single mother, but somewhere along the way he discovered classical music and Renaissance painters, and is now delighted to introduce both subjects to Clark.

As well as the art, there’s the subject sex. Eighteenth-century aristocrats on the Grand Tour enjoyed plenty of both. Rylan put it this way: “They came back changed men – independent, educated, with a bag full of keepsakes and often a dose of the clap.” We don’t reach that stage here, although Clark says with postcard sauciness: “I’m willing to try anything, or anyone.” Rinder is a good deal more shy.

Rylan Clark and Rob Rinder in the Doge's Palace
Rylan Clark and Rob Rinder in the Doge's Palace - BBC

The pair have great chemistry, although Clark could generate chemistry with a pedal bin. He’s such a tonic. Towards the end of the episode he explains that “Rylan” is a construct; his real name is Ross, and that’s how his friends and family know him. “Everyone knows me as Rylan, as a laugh, big teeth… that idiot off the telly.” He wears the persona as armour, and if he gets any public criticism – well, that’s all aimed at Rylan, and Ross is unscathed. That’s the theory, anyway.

Give the series a chance (future episodes take them to Florence and Rome) and you may come away with a little more knowledge – not just about art, but the art of friendship.
