Pub charges customers 50p a pint more to pay at the bar

Ben Cheshire at his pub€˜The Coronation’ in Southville, Bristol
Landlord Ben Cheshire says the practice is not discriminatory against older customers because his customers are students and young professionals - Jay Williams

For many pub-goers, there is something sacred about ordering at the bar. The unspoken etiquette of queuing unorderly while desperately trying to get the bartender’s attention may be slow and tedious but it is a tradition Britons are quick to defend.

However one pub landlord is attempting to break the tradition by charging punters up to 50p extra on pints ordered at the bar.

Ben Cheshire, who runs The Coronation pub in Southville, Bristol, is so keen for customers to order via their smartphone that he has created a two-tier pricing system whereby some drinks are almost 20pc more expensive for customers who order in-person.

It means a pint of the house lager costs customers £3.50 at the bar – but is only £3 if they order through the QR code. For a pint of Guinness, it’s £4.80 when placing the order with a barman and £4.50 when using a smartphone. A pint of Cornish lager Korev is £3.70 with a smartphone and £4 for those who want to queue at the bar.

Mr Cheshire dismissed suggestions the practice was discriminatory against older customers and those who find the technology difficult to use. The pub owner said his clientele had become much younger since the Covid pandemic and that the digital service reduced the burden on his staff.

Sign at The Coronation pub in Southville, Bristol telling customers it is cheaper to order from the table rather than at the bar
The Coronation is trying to change pub culture by discouraging bar orders - Jay Williams

He said: “I lost all my older crowd completely overnight when everything had to go to ‘table service only’ during Covid. I haven’t seen them since. For years I had an older crowd in here, looked after them, had private events for them and things like that, so that’s not the angle I’m trying to go for here.

“This is more helpful for our staff, that’s why I’m offering it. I’ve found that not having to be constantly serving people is way better for my mental health. Bar work can be really mentally tiring. This takes the stress away rather than having to constantly interact with different people for eight hours straight.”

Mr Cheshire’s decision also reflects the economic climate independent pubs are facing. Energy bills and staff costs remain high but the increased cost of drinks passed on to consumers is damaging footfall. Up to 600 pubs are expected to close this year, according to the British Beer and Pub Association, on top of the 530 that closed in 2023.

Mr Cheshire said customers order more when using the online system as they explore the full drinks menu.

Alongside a weekly quiz, the publican has introduced more obscure events to keep younger customers coming in, including a Saturday pottery session and a Dungeons and Dragons night every fortnight where customers come dressed in mediaeval garb to play the fantasy role-playing game in the pub.

“For those events, this is perfect. They can carry on making their clay pots or playing their game without being interrupted and simply order from their smartphone and have their drinks brought to them.”

But despite his best attempts, Mr Cheshire said 90pc of his customers still choose to order at the bar and pay higher prices even though staff often tell customers it’s cheaper to pay from their table.

“I’m a big advocate for European-style service. I think we had a chance to change the culture during the pandemic. I’m sure some places thought it was a good idea, keeping everyone sat down, not standing up but sat at your table where it’s all about the conversation, but in most places it’s gone back to how it was. I think it’s a real shame.”

Despite making “special allowances for the older guys” after Covid when prices were kept the same between bar service and the website, Mr Cheshire is insistent his pricing structure is not discriminatory.

“The people who are more worried about the discounts are the 19-year-old fine art students, they are the ones who really appreciate it. Or the young professionals who are pushing it a bit having a night out in the midweek,” he said.

The British Beer and Pub Association, which represents around 20,000 pubs, said the decision to encourage customers to order via their smartphone represented the difficult climate the hospitality industry is facing as pubs seek alternative methods to cut costs and keep Gen Z customers coming to the pub.

Chief executive Emma McClarkin said: “In pubs, the greater use of all different types of tech has accelerated since the pandemic and is being embraced by all consumers, especially younger consumers.

“This is not just confined to how to order a beer, refreshments or a meal, but in the many ways that pubs are adapting to bring communities together, including host events or a diverse range of activities. The cost efficiencies they bring are most welcome and much needed.”
