Prisoners to get electric razors in drive to reduce blade attacks

A stock photograph of an electric shaver in use
Special razors have been devised to resist adaptation into weaponry - Joel Sharpe/Moment RF

Prisoners are to be issued with bespoke electric razors as a ban on traditional wet shaves is introduced.

The Ministry of Justice (MoJ) has announced it will phase out traditional razors in all prisons in England and Wales to prevent them being used as weapons against staff and prisoners themselves.

Ministers have authorised £1.5 million to be spent on replacing them with electric razors in 30 of the jails with the highest rates of assaults.

The move follows trials of the new policy at two prisons – HMP Leicester and HMP Swansea – where the introduction of electric razors proved successful in reducing assaults.

There has also been pressure after a prison officer at HMP Humber was slashed by an inmate armed with a razor in a “horrific and cowardly” unprovoked attack in February that left him requiring 53 stitches for a facial wound. The assault has led to more than 30 MPs from across all parties putting forward a motion demanding action.

‘Reckless and irrational’

The Prison Officers’ Association (POA), which has been campaigning for a ban for years, claimed it is “reckless and irrational” to give prisoners access to wet-shave razors at a time when violence in prisons is increasing.

Assaults against staff are up 16 per cent, with the total number of assaults over the past 12 months rising by 21 per cent.

The number of knife and blade assault incidents has increased by 16 per cent in the most recent year reported, compared with a 2 per cent rise in assaults involving all kinds of weapons. They comprised 25 per cent of all prison assaults in 2022 compared with 10 per cent in 2010.

Edward Argar, prisons minister, said: “Following recent pilots, I am pleased to announce that my department has decided to implement a phased removal of wet-shave razors from the adult male closed estate.

“This phased removal will start with 30 prisons in the adult male closed estate with the highest levels of violence, with the intention of a subsequent roll-out across the whole adult male estate, subject to available funding.”

‘A step in the right direction’

Mr Argar added: “Am I satisfied this alone will solve the problem? No. But I strongly believe this is a step in the right direction – and we will continue to push to come further.”

The electric razors have been specially designed so that they should be damage and tamper proof and can withstand attempts to turn them into weapons or be otherwise misused.

Wet-shave razors have in the past been converted into lethal weapons by being attached to “handles” such as toothbrushes. They have been used in attacks against officers and prisoners including high-profile criminals such as double child killer Ian Huntley.
