Prince Harry loses bid to include Rupert Murdoch in phone hacking claim

Prince Harry loses bid to include Rupert Murdoch in phone hacking claim against The Sun
NGN accused Prince Harry of using a 'scattergun' approach after a huge number of fresh allegations were brought to the court - ALBERTO PEZZALI/AP

The Duke of Sussex has lost an application to bring new allegations against Rupert Murdoch in his High Court hacking claim against the publisher of The Sun.

Mr Justice Fancourt criticised the Duke’s lawyers for aiming at “trophy targets”, noting that it was not a public inquiry.

The judge accused them of trying to “inculpate the man at the very top” by pinning knowledge on Mr Murdoch personally, stating that the allegations made against the media mogul added nothing to the claim.

The Duke was also denied permission to include an allegation concerning data obtained about Meghan, his wife, in the US in 2016.

He is among more than 40 others suing News Group Newspapers (NGN), the publisher of The Sun and the now defunct News Of The World, over alleged unlawful information gathering and invasion of privacy. A trial has been scheduled for January 2025.

‘Scurrilous and cynical attack’

The judge ruled that the individual allegations made against Mr Murdoch added “nothing material” to the claim but allowed certain amendments to be made.

He said: “[I] consider that there is a desire on the part of those running the litigation on the  claimants’ side to shoot at ‘trophy’ targets, whether those are political issues or high profile individuals.

“This cannot become an end in itself: it only matters to the court so far  as it is material and proportionate to the resolution of the individual causes of action. The trial is not an inquiry.”

The Duke was accused by NGN of adopting a “scattergun approach” to his claims after trying to add a “huge” number of fresh allegations to his case amounting to a “scurrilous and cynical attack”.

He denied a request to backdate his claim to 1994 in order to include allegations concerning the hacking of phone calls and pager messages of his late mother Diana, the Princess of Wales.

He also failed in his bid to include the names of some 150 private investigators and journalists, with only a proportion accepted by the judge.

The Duke was criticised for failing to adhere to a previous order to remove allegations of mobile phone hacking from his claim.

Mr Justice Fancourt did grant permission for the Duke to include allegations of landline voicemail interception on the condition that he clarifies which specific numbers were involved.

David Sherborne, for the Duke, had sought to amend the claim to make specific allegations about the “destruction and concealment” of evidence by certain individuals, including Mr Murdoch.

The barrister told the court in March that Mr Murdoch knew of unlawful activity as early as 2004 but “turned a blind eye” to the accusations while overseeing a “culture of impunity” at the publisher.

But the judge ruled: “I cannot see what difference is made to the allegations of habitual and extensive unlawful information gathering, knowledge on the part of senior executives, and concealment and destruction, by trying to pin actual knowledge on him personally.

“There are already allegations pleaded against Rebekah Brooks and James Murdoch, who are his trusted lieutenants in relation to News Corporation and NGN and who are very senior executives in their own right.”

The judge added: “Tempting though it no doubt is for the claimants’ team to attempt to inculpate the man at the very top, doing so will add nothing to a finding that Ms Brooks and Mr James Murdoch or other senior executives knew and were involved, if that is proved to be the case.”

He denied the Duke permission to involve Piers Morgan, who edited the News of the World from 1994-1995.

‘Expensive and time consuming’

The judge refused to allow new allegations against NGN’s management and standards committee, established by Mr Murdoch in 2011, and others relating to the alleged targeting of politicians.

He criticised the Duke’s legal team for trying to bring forward too many amendments at too late a stage, in what he described as a “very expensive and time consuming exercise”.

Anthony Hudson, for NGN, said the claimants had “failed comprehensively” concerning the ruling, while Mr Sherborne said “both sides were successful”. The claimants were ordered to pay 30 per cent of the publisher’s costs.

NGN welcomed the ruling, which it said had “thoroughly vindicated NGN’s position”.

A spokesman added: “Lawyers for the claimants work with convicted phone-hackers and employ anti press campaigners and activists who seek to use the claims to make allegations within the protection of open justice principles.

“Many similar allegations were previously tested in the criminal courts or investigated by the police and the CPS between 2011-15.

“Today’s judgment has ruled that a significant amount of these amendments are not material or proportionate to the case.”
