Post readers: Selfish people take advantage of ADA, bring pet dogs everywhere

ADA bowing to the dogs

Re the July 26 guest column on the Americans with Disabilities Act: This important law, unfortunately, seems to have an unwanted side effect. It allows people without disabilities to bring their dogs with them wherever they go, secure in the knowledge that no one will question them about these animals because they fear lawsuits by these individuals who just must have their dogs with them at all times.

I addressed this issue with the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. Their position is that enforcement of this law is up to the businesses themselves. Of course, the businesses are, for the most part, turning a blind eye to enforcing the very rules concerning animals, which they post at the entrance to their stores, and because there are no consequences for either the businesses or the customers, the problem will get worse.

I believe that there are more customers who would like to buy their groceries from establishments that enforce the limitations of the ADA, rather than those that exploit this ruling for their own selfish benefits. Unfortunately, the only way to drive the point home is to boycott the stores which have this laissez-faire attitude..

Irwin Solomon, Boynton Beach

American history hurting Gov. DeSantis

We have to examine the underpinnings of the assault on Black History to understand the effort undertaken by the state of Florida, the motivation and the motivator. Gov. DeSantis didn't want white students to feel uncomfortable as they learned of the lives blacks endured. I didn't realize his feelings were so damaged when he endured lessons of slavery, and the suffering of those enslaved, that he didn't want subsequent generations to have to experience hurt feelings. So, he ordered the rewriting of history so other white students wouldn't be uncomfortable. Given DeSantis' inability to face reality, he has proved how unfit he is to be president.

Jay Margolis, Delray Beach

Gov. Ron DeSantis continues to draw criticism for changing Florida's new teaching standard for slavery.
Gov. Ron DeSantis continues to draw criticism for changing Florida's new teaching standard for slavery.

Our View: Editorial: 'Personal benefits' of slavery bring ridicule to Florida

Time Florida gets a proper defense

Re the July 22 letter "Governor, who are you helping?": Hopefully, all of the people and businesses that Gov. DeSantis is attacking will stay and express their dissatisfaction with his "dictatorship-like" rules. If all these people and businesses leave Florida, then all that will be left are politicians like him who want to control everybody and everything. Hence, they win. Stand up and speak out. Defend your right to be who you are. Have faith in our educators. Vote.

As a retired educator in this county, all I hear from my colleagues is how lucky I am that I retired. The Governor wants to force his personal beliefs on everyone. Just because you don't want your child to read certain books does not mean everyone's children should be restricted. You can't rewrite history to your liking. It is what it is.  Teachers receive a college education and listen to student concerns about anything and everything. Let educators do their job and stop making them fear that they'll lose their job if they care about their students.

Elisa Meltzer, Wellington

This article originally appeared on Palm Beach Post: Americans With Disabilities Act covers service animals, not pet dogs.
