Planet Normal: We are sleepwalking into a Left-wing Labour Government, says Tory MP

Columnists Allison Pearson and Liam Halligan discuss the England and Wales local election results with Tory MP Andrew Rossindell
Columnists Allison Pearson and Liam Halligan discuss the England and Wales local election results with Tory MP Andrew Rossindell

The British people need to wake up. We need to prevent the calamity of a Left-wing Labour government taking power.

On the latest Planet Normal podcast, which you can listen to using the audio player above, columnists Liam Halligan and Allison Pearson speak to Conservative MP Andrew Rosindell about the bleak local election results in England for the Tories and his fears for the future of the country. Mr Rosindell is concerned Conservative votes are being split with Reform UK, saying “people voting for Reform are simply delivering a Labour government, and one that could do huge damage to our country.’

Andrew believes the Reform Party should think about what is best for the country going forward.

‘I think there needs to be discussions between Nigel Farage and the Conservative Party. I don’t think that it would be a very proud legacy for Nigel, who I greatly admire, if they hand over power to the most Left-wing Labour government in history.

When contemplating if The Conservatives can come back from these local election results, Andrew insists they do. ‘The Conservative Party has a chance. It has a chance to show that we’ve got a vision for the country which will get Britain back on track. I don’t think Labour have any ideas that are better than ours. In fact, I think in many areas they have no ideas at all.’

‘I weep thinking about the kind of things they [Labour] would do. Most British people want a Right-of-centre government that looks after the interests of our country. That re-energises the economy, controls the immigration, makes the most of the Brexit opportunities that we have so that we become a strong, prosperous, free nation.’

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