Labour under pressure from within to investigate Natalie Elphicke over lobbying claims

Charlie and Natalie Elphicke
Charlie and Natalie Elphicke: before his trial in July 2020 she was standing by her man - Pixel GRG

Labour came under pressure on Sunday from its own MPs to investigate Natalie Elphicke over claims she lobbied ministers to intervene in her ex-husband’s sex assault trial.

Jess Phillips, former shadow minister on domestic violence, has said there should be an independent investigation into the claims over Ms Elphicke, the MP for Dover who defected from the Tories to Labour last week.

It was alleged at the weekend that Ms Elphicke asked Sir Robert Buckland, the former justice secretary, to speak to the judge who was going to preside over her ex husband Charlie Elphicke’s trial four years ago for sex assaults on two women.

Ms Elphicke allegedly wanted the trial date moved to a less high-profile slot in the court listings and questioned whether the senior judge presiding over it would be excessively tough on her former husband.

Sir Robert told her it would be “completely inappropriate” for him to speak to the judge as it would breach a constitutional principle that there should be a separation of powers between Parliament and the judiciary.

Ms Elphicke has claimed the allegations are “nonsense” and Labour has questioned why the concerns were not raised at the time of the trial four years ago.

But, speaking on LBC, Ms Phillips said: “There should always be an independent investigation into all these sorts of claims that come forward.”

Ms Phillips said Sir Robert needed to come forward with more evidence. “What I find absolutely galling about the whole thing…is people tend to only care when it’s the other side that do it - and you have to try and care regardless.

“And Robert Buckland coming out now with these claims which I have absolutely no idea of the veracity of, does somewhat suggest he cared considerably less about the rule of law (and) victims of sexual violence when it wasn’t politically expedient for him.

“I think questions have to be answered now, I don’t know how one would prove if two people are saying two different things, it’s not my wheelhouse, it’s not my paygrade, there are questions to be answered, there are apologies to be made and there is work to do and I maintain that position.”

Labour politician Zarah Sultana said she did not “buy” Ms Elphicke’s defection to her party from the Conservatives unless the Dover MP had “had the biggest Damascene conversion ever”.

“It’s concerning as well in terms of conversations I’ve had within the PLP (Parliamentary Labour Party), especially in the Women’s PLP on the comments that she’s made about her ex-husband and the trial,” she told the BBC.

However, Labour officials dismissed calls for an investigation. A party spokesman said: “Natalie Elphicke totally rejects that characterisation of the meeting.

“If Robert Buckland had any genuine concerns about the meeting, then he should have raised them at the time, rather than making claims to the newspapers now that Natalie has chosen to join the Labour Party.”

Lord Blunkett raised the same question and branded the row “a storm in a teacup.” But, asked about her defection to Labour, he echoed Lord Kinnock’s comments that Labour “have got to be choosy to a degree about who we allow to join our party because it’s a very broad church but churches have walls and there are limits.”

Lord Cameron yesterday branded Ms Elphicke’s defection from the Tories as “naked opportunism” by Labour. “This is quite a right-wing Conservative MP suddenly welcomed into the Labour fold having never supported any of their policies, people or approaches,” he said.

“The revealing thing is it was like a moment where you look at the Labour Party and think - if you don’t stand for anything, then you’ll fall for stuff like this.”

He said he was “not a fan of defectors,” adding: “I took over from one in Witney and I think it always leaves a legacy of upset and betrayal, and everything else.”

Ms Elphicke crossed the floor of the Commons to join Labour at the start of Prime Minister’s questions last week, accusing the Tories of becoming a “byword for incompetence and division.” The Dover MP cited housing and the failure to stop the boats for her decision.

It was the second defection to Labour for Rishi Sunak in less than two weeks, after Dan Poulter also quit the Tories.

Natalie Elphicke was on a mission. In Robert Buckland’s ministerial office in the House of Commons, Mrs Elphicke, the MP for Dover, had a favour to ask of the lord chancellor and justice secretary.

Sources who were at the meeting have gone as far as to call the request “brazen”.

Mrs Elphicke had secured the meeting with Sir Robert in order to lobby the cabinet minister over her husband’s forthcoming trial.

At the meeting she expressed concern over the date of her husband’s trial because it was the first to be heard at the high-profile Southwark Crown Court in the wake of the Covid-19 lockdown.

According to sources in the room, Mrs Elphicke felt it was unfair her husband’s trial would receive even more scrutiny as a result.

The name of the judge in the case, Lady Justice Whipple, was also raised, leaving some present with the distinct impression that Mrs Elphicke wanted the court switched. And with that would come a change of judge too.

Mrs Elphicke, now 53 and a Labour MP having crossed the floor last week, accepts she met with Sir Robert in the early summer of 2020 before her husband’s trial.

Sir Robert Buckland
Sir Robert Buckland refused Mrs Elphicke's request to speak to the judge in the case - Jeff Gilbert

But she insists the characterisation of the meeting is all wrong.

At the time, Mrs Elphicke had been Dover’s MP for six months, having won the seat in Boris Johnson’s December 2019 landslide victory.

Charlie Elphicke had preceded his wife as the town’s MP. But he had the party whip withdrawn in November 2017 when first accused of sexual offences and then again when charged in July 2019 with three counts of sexual assault against two women.

Mrs Elphicke, standing by her husband, filled his shoes as the Tory candidate at the election.

She would only dump him in the immediate aftermath of Mr Elphicke’s conviction on July 30 2020, just a few weeks after her meeting with Sir Robert.

“Today’s verdict,” she tweeted, “is one that brings profound sorrow. It ends my 25-year marriage to the only man I have ever loved.”

Mr Elphicke was jailed for two years, with Lady Justice Whipple branding him a “sexual predator” who had used his “success and respectability as a cover”.

Natalie Elphicke with Sir Keir Starmer
Natalie Elphicke with Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer after she defected to the party - Gareth Fuller/PA

However, back in early July 2020, Mrs Elphicke was standing by her man and trying to do her best by him. He was after all, as she had said on social media, the love of her life.

Her request got short shrift. “She was told in no uncertain terms that it would have been completely inappropriate to speak to the judge about the trial at all,” Sir Robert told The Sunday Times.

Mrs Elphicke didn’t stop there, according to the reports. Following his jailing, Mrs Elphicke is said to have lobbied again. This time she complained to Sir Mark Spencer, the chief whip, over her husband’s prison conditions.

Wary of going back to Sir Robert with a request, she reportedly asked Sir Mark if the quality of her husband’s bed and pillows could be improved.

Two months later in November 2020, Mrs Elphicke along with four other senior Tory MPs sent a letter to senior judges on parliamentary headed stationery over a decision being made by Lady Justice Whipple on whether to release pre-sentencing character references for Mr Elphicke.

Suspended from the Commons

Mrs Elphicke and two other MPs were suspended from the Commons for a day and ordered to make a public apology.

The letter sent to two senior female judges also copied in the trial judge. The standards committee concluded that “such egregious behaviour is corrosive to the rule of law”.

Sir Robert’s intervention, which follows Mrs Elphicke’s defection, was made, his friends say, because of his concerns about the appropriateness of her behaviour in those months before and after the trial.

Sources close to Sir Robert told The Telegraph: “It’s really about her judgment. We are expected to believe there is some Damascene conversion to Labour. People are entitled to know about the judgment of this person bearing in mind that she then got MPs to write to the judge about the case at the end of it.”

The source added: “Should there be an investigation? That is a matter for the Labour Party. It is a matter for the new political party. Maybe they should have done due diligence before they accepted her to score a political point.”

Meanwhile, Matt Wrack, president of the TUC, demanded the Labour whip should be removed from Ms Elphicke because of her vocal support for anti-strike laws.

A Labour Party spokesman said: “Natalie Elphicke totally rejects that characterisation of the meeting. If Robert Buckland had any genuine concerns about the meeting then he should have raised them at the time, rather than making claims to the newspapers now Natalie has chosen to join the Labour Party.”

A spokesman for the MP said the reported second meeting with Sir Mark, after she had broken up with her husband, was “nonsense”.
