Menopause weight gain: Causes, risks and how to fight back
Most women approach the menopause, braced to be handed a delightful party-bag full of side effects. Hot flushes, brain fog, disturbed sleep and mood swings. So far, so grimly anticipated. But sudden and unexplained weight gain? Unfortunately so, says Dr Kim Ruddy, a GP and menopause specialist: “It is really common. In fact, it’s one of the most common symptoms I encounter, and it can be among the most impactful too, when it comes to our sense of self, and self-confidence.”
Research suggests that, on average, women gain around 1.5kg a year during perimenopause, resulting in an average weight gain of 10kg by the time they reach the menopause itself. To add insult to injury, most of this accumulates around the stomach. “Women in my clinic will often tell me that their weight has crept up, or that they’ve noticed they are putting on weight around their middle, even if they are eating the same type or amount of food as they have always done,” confirms Dr Louise Newson, the author of The Definitive Guide to the Perimenopause and Menopause.
But why – and what can you do about it?
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Causes of weight gain during menopause
Disturbed sleep
Comfort eating and sugar cravings
Joint or muscle pain
Hormonal changes
Changes in the gut microbiome
There is very little research into why weight gain happens to some women and not others, says Newson. “For the majority of women, it’s multifactorial,” agrees Ruddy, “and sleep is a massive factor.” For many women, she says, disturbed sleep is one of the first signs to make them suspect that perimenopause is under way: “A lot of women find they are waking up several times a night, feeling anxious, needing the loo, getting hot sweats.”
Not getting enough sleep, of course, results in tiredness the next day, which often leads to grabbing a sugary snack, which then sparks a blood sugar rollercoaster in which the calories pile up simply to ward off the crashing exhaustion.
“For other women, weight-gain can be a consequence of comfort eating to combat menopause symptoms like sugar cravings, low mood, fatigue or reduced self-esteem,” says Newson. “Another reason can be dealing with the knock-on impact of physical symptoms like joint or muscle pain or vaginal symptoms meaning they simply can’t exercise as frequently or in the way they used to.”
The answer could even lie in your gut. “Hormone changes during menopause are also associated with changes to your gut microbiome and how you metabolise sugar and fat, which can play a part in weight gain,” says Dr Federica Amati, the head nutritionist at ZOE and author of Recipes for a Better Menopause. “ZOE’s research has shown that in menopause, women have worse blood sugar responses and greater levels of inflammation.”
There are also key physiological changes that happen during the menopause and which help to explain why your jeans may suddenly feel snug. First, the drop in your oestrogen and progesterone levels triggers a decrease in muscle mass, which slows the rate at which you burn calories. So even if you simply continue to eat and exercise as you always have, you are likely to gain weight.
There’s more. As your production of ovarian estradiol declines, your body looks to compensate with other sources of oestrogen. It starts to produce more oestrone, a different form of the hormone that has a couple of downsides.
First, it’s less effective. Second, it’s produced by fat cells, and this has a complicated impact on your weight. A 2021 study found that, during menopause, the number of fat cells in the body actually decreases. But here’s the bad news. The amount of fat stored within each cell increases.
The place where that fat is stored alters too. Before menopause, it is more likely to accumulate on the hips and thighs. But as oestrogen levels reduce, visceral fat – around the belly – increases from 5-8 per cent total body weight to 10-15 per cent total body weight. And this type of fat is not only harder to shift, but more worrisome for your health too.
Health risks associated with menopause weight gain
Heart disease
Some cancers
“For most doctors, our primary concern when it comes to menopausal weight gain is heart health,” says Ruddy. “As you raise your cholesterol levels, and put on this layer of visceral fat, your metabolic risk increases, putting you at higher risk of diabetes and heart disease.”
Being overweight can also increase your risk of musculoskeletal disorders like osteoarthritis and some cancers, says Newson: “Women are already at an increased risk of developing conditions like cardiovascular disease, so anything you can do to reduce those modifiable risk factors is really important.”
So what can you do to counter this weight-gain?
Medical interventions for menopause weight gain
First port of call? The GP. “Anyone who is experiencing perimenopausal or menopausal symptoms should speak to a healthcare professional,” says Newson. “Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is usually the first line treatment for management of menopause symptoms. Some women find that taking the right dose and types of hormones can lead to weight loss as metabolism can improve when taking hormones.”
“One of the key benefits of HRT is that we have really good data to show that oestrogen reduces cardiovascular risk and the risk of diabetes,” agrees Ruddy. When you replenish the oestrogen levels in your body, it no longer has to rebalance levels by producing oestrone, reducing the need to store more fat around your middle. HRT can help in other, secondary ways too, she explains. Because oestrogen also alleviates aches and pains, taking it can make exercise easier, and help you to hold onto an active, healthy lifestyle.
ZOE’s research even found that women taking HRT had better blood sugar and blood fat responses to food and lower body fat. Still...
How to manage menopause weight gain through diet
Avoid crash diets
Cut out ultra-processed foods
Eat more legumes, whole grains, beans, nuts and seeds
Follow a Mediterranean diet
Keep a food diary
“Don’t rely on the HRT doing all the work,” warns Ruddy. “Most GPs will also try to encourage women to eat less fat and do more exercise to reduce your cardiovascular risk too.” In fact, the British Menopause Society emphasises that “good nutrition and an active lifestyle remain the cornerstone of a healthy menopause... whether Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) is part of a woman’s treatment plan or not.”
When it comes to your nutritional approach: “the first thing not to do is crash dieting,” says Amati. “Maintaining a healthy weight can be incredibly challenging for anyone, but particularly difficult in menopause. So crash diets are not sustainable and can make weight loss more difficult in the long run.”
In fact, Amati is an advocate of “adding food to your plate rather than taking it away.” During the menopause, she suggests, it is better to learn to work with your altered metabolism than to battle against it. So the first rule is to cut back on foods that damage it further (like ultra-processed foods) and focus instead on eating a wide variety of legumes, whole grains, beans, nuts and seeds.” In fact, one 2020 study concluded that following a Mediterranean diet during the menopause was associated with a lower risk of becoming overweight or obese, and a reduction in menopausal symptoms over all.
Keep a food diary for a few days, suggests Newson, whose free balance menopause support app allows users to track their nutrition and fluid intake, as their symptoms. And have a think about what you drink, suggests Ruddy. During the menopause, many women report worsening hangovers, she suggests. Coupled with its negative impact on sleep, booze is likely to worsen the menopausal symptoms that prompt you to find comfort in a tub of ice cream, as well as directly contributing to weight gain through its calories.
Managing menopause weight gain through exercise
The menopause typically hits at around 51. Still: “if you are reading this before the perimenopause and menopause and know you aren’t currently at a healthy weight, then it’s worth taking action now, making sure you are as physically healthy as possible for when the time comes,” says Newson.
Starts an exercise routine before perimenopause strikes
Work on your core muscles
Try weight-resistant exercises, yoga and pilates
“My top tip would be to start young, building a sustainable exercise routine in your early 40s,” agrees Ruddy. “Find an exercise you can stick to on a regular basis and enjoy – yoga and Pilates are fantastic strengthening exercises. Practices like these, that build and maintain muscle, are really helpful, because the more muscle you have in your 40s, the more likely it is that you’ll be able to continue exercising as you start to lose muscle mass throughout the perimenopause.”
Working your core is critical, she says, especially for working women who spend a lot of time at their desks. Here again, pilates is a great choice: “It really helps to maintain strong tummy muscles which can help to combat that weight-gain around the middle,” says Ruddy.
A consistent regime composed of both aerobic and resistance training can also help to keep your cholesterol at a healthy level, raising your levels of HDL or ‘good cholesterol’ and helping to lower triglycerides (which are linked to heart disease).
In fact, the British Menopause Society calls consistent weight resistance exercise “almost non-negotiable for perimenopausal and menopausal women who want to lose weight and change their body shape... It is the most efficient method for increasing muscle mass and metabolic rate.”
Simple exercises such as squats, box press ups, ankle taps and bicep curls are ideal. Just carrying bags of shopping or walking up and down stairs counts too, says Amati. And if you are now past your 40s, do not throw the shopping bags down in despair.
It’s never too late, and it needn’t be too daunting, she suggests: “this doesn’t mean training for a triathlon or swimming from Dover to Calais every morning. Find something you enjoy doing…This could be cycling, jogging, or even just walking. The important thing is to do it regularly.”