Labour to ban energy drinks sales to under-16s

Energy drinks
The ban would prevent children under 16 from purchasing drinks containing more than 150mg of caffeine per litre - Keith Homan / Alamy Stock Photo

Labour has pledged to ban energy drinks for children under 16 due to their “dangerously high” caffeine content.

The party said it would outlaw the “toxic” products for schoolchildren to prevent them turning up to class “wired on the equivalent of three shots of espresso”.

The ban, enforced by national trading standards, would prevent children under 16 from purchasing drinks containing more than 150mg of caffeine per litre.

Soft drinks such as Coca-Cola are expected to fall below the limit, while a 500ml can of Monster Energy would exceed it.

Retailers caught selling to children would face fines and potentially lose their licence if they “flout the law”.

Sir Keir Starmer, the Labour leader, said the sale of such highly-caffeinated drinks to children was “not justifiable or acceptable”, adding: “We’ll stop it. I will always take the tough decisions necessary to keep our children healthy.”

‘Nanny-state’ interference

It is likely to fuel claims of “nanny-state” interference from critics on the Right who favour a light-touch approach to regulation.

Wes Streeting, the shadow health secretary, said Labour would be “far more interventionist” when it comes to children to protect their health.

He told BBC Breakfast on Tuesday: “We are taking this seriously, and I think this is action that parents and teachers will welcome because they are seeing the consequences of kids becoming far too wired and far too dependent on very caffeinated drinks that are impacting on their sleep, their learning, their concentration and their wellbeing.”

Announcing the policy on Monday evening, he said: “Rishi Sunak is too weak to stand up to his party and protect children’s health. He crumbled in the face of opposition from his MPs and sacrificed his landmark Smoking Bill.

“The Tories have stood idly by as children go to school wired on the equivalent of three shots of espresso from these toxic drinks. It stops them sleeping, damages their mental health, how on earth do we expect children to learn with that in their system?

“It’s time for change. Labour will end the sale of dangerously high caffeine energy drinks, provide 100,000 extra child dentistry appointments and mental health support in every school.”

It is not the first time a ban has been proposed. Matt Hancock championed the idea when he was health secretary, but the plan was subsequently scrapped by his successor, Sir Sajid Javid.

Fears have previously been raised that a ban would encourage children to switch to other sugary drinks, or coffee, instead. Sir Sajid called it “un-Conservative”.
