Junior doctor strikes delay funerals as death certificates go unsigned

Doctors in training have been involved in strike action for more than a year as part of a pay dispute
Doctors in training have been involved in strike action for more than a year as part of a pay dispute - Vuk Valcic/Avalon

Junior doctors have been accused of delaying funerals because they are not signing death certificates while on strike.

Cause of death certificates are usually signed off by junior doctors at hospitals and are required before burial arrangements and other affairs can be sorted by the bereaved.

The doctors in training, who have been involved in strike action for more than a year as part of a pay dispute, on Wednesday announced further walkouts over the next six months, extending their mandate to do so until Sep 19.

The British Medical Association (BMA) said 98 per cent voted to strike on a 62 per cent turnout - around 10 per cent less than last time - voting for the first time in favour of the option to take “action short of a strike”.

More than 40 days have been lost to doctors’ strikes over the last 12 months and 1.4 million appointments have been cancelled, but the impact on those who have lost loved ones is harder to quantify.

Family members, councils and funeral directors have all blamed delays in signing off death certificates on striking medics.

The delays not only put sorting a loved one’s affairs on hold but also put them at risk of breaking the law.

Deaths are legally required to be registered with the local council within five days, including weekends, or eight days in Scotland.

But this cannot be done until a Medical Certificate of the Cause of Death (MCCD) has been signed off by doctors and sent to the register office.

Dr Robert Laurenson, one of the co-chairs of the BMA junior doctors committee, at a picket in February
Dr Robert Laurenson, one of the co-chairs of the BMA junior doctors committee, at a picket in February - Hesther Ng/Story Picture Agency

More than a quarter of a million people die in NHS hospitals each year - around half of all deaths - and so require a junior doctor to confirm their cause of death, which cannot happen when they are on strike.

It is understood that the disruption has been widespread, with funeral directors from Sussex to Liverpool claiming that delays had been exacerbated by walkouts.

Bristol City Council warned of ongoing delays in making an appointment to register a death.

A spokesman said: “This is because there could be delays in the MCCD being sent to the register office due to the junior doctors’ strike.”

Deborah Smith, of the National Association of Funeral Directors (NAFD), said multiple members of its organisation had “reported to us experiencing delays in death certification as a result of the strikes”.

She added: “It’s one of a number of issues causing delays in the already struggling and fragmented UK death management system that is having an impact on bereaved people at an already distressing time.”

Bereaved relatives describe ‘grief-limbo’

In posts on social media bereaved relatives blamed the strikes for delays.

One man said he “had spent a week trying to get mum’s death certificate”.

“Apparently some junior doctors were on strike and that meant nothing could happen,” he said. “I feel no anger towards them. None…”

A woman posted that she had been forced to wait 10 days for a death certificate for her stepmother over the New Year and into the record six-day walkout earlier this year.

“Her body still in hospital,” she said. “Dad in bits. No funeral date, no forward movement. Can’t sort banking. Can’t plan.

“We are all in grief-limbo,” she said, adding that she supported the doctors and blamed the “inept government”.

Another man said he could not arrange his wife’s funeral because neither the ambulance nor hospital declared her dead.

“The ambulance never told anyone of her death so no death certificate,” he said.

“Trying to get her officially dead. I think she will be laughing or furious.”

One man said he had been forced to wait for confirmation on a funeral time for a parent the day before it took place, with the directors “blaming the delay in the paperwork on [the previous] week’s junior doctors’ strike”.

‘Systemic issues’ facing funeral providers

It comes against a backdrop of systemic issues facing the service providers, with delays in doctors signing off certificates having “grown significantly” since the pandemic, according to a report by the NAFD.

It said that half of families were waiting more than three weeks after the death of a loved one for a funeral to take place, with one in six families in England forced to wait more than a month.

The report also found there were increasing delays in bodies being released by coroners, as well as a shortage of mortuary capacity.

Junior doctors will be able to strike again when their mandate begins on April 3, and for the first time can take other measures, which could include a work-to-rule action where they complete the bare minimum they are contracted to do.

The doctors’ union is asking for a pay rise of 35 per cent over several years. The Government says they have received an average uplift of 8.8 per cent this financial year. Consultants, who have also been on strike, are currently voting on a pay deal to end strikes that would give increases of up to 19 per cent for this year.

Dr Robert Laurenson and Dr Vivek Trivedi, BMA junior doctors committee co-chairs, said: “The Government believed it could ignore, delay, and offer excuses long enough that we would simply give up.”

The pair called on Victoria Atkins, the health secretary, to “come forward as soon as possible with a new offer – and make sure not a single further strike day need be called”.

A Department of Health spokesman said: “It is disappointing that BMA members have once again voted for industrial action when we have already given junior doctors a pay rise of up to 10.3 per cent this financial year and made clear in previous negotiations that further investment was available.

“We again urge the BMA junior doctors committee to demonstrate they have reasonable expectations so we can come back to the negotiating table to find a fair deal that works for the NHS, doctors and patients.”
