Cheeky fish-stealing cormorant gets its comeuppance

The incident was pictured by Wei Lian in  Milpitas, California
The incident was pictured by Wei Lian in Milpitas, California - Wei Lian/Solent News

A pelican in California received a rude awakening when its dinner was stolen from right under its beak by a brave cormorant.

The aquatic bird was pictured darting into the pelican’s mouth to retrieve a fish, which it successfully lifted out before the much larger animal snatched the prize back.

The pelican snatching the fish back
The pelican snatching the fish back - Wei Lian/Solent News

The pelican chased the cormorant away following the tussle for the trout, which was caught on camera by Wei Lian, a retired design manager, at Sandy Wool Lake in Milpitas, California.

Pelicans use their large throat pouch for catching and storing prey. One of the larger species of aquatic birds, they measure around 5ft in length and can have a wingspan of up to 8ft.
