Make election pact with Reform, Rees-Mogg urges Sunak

Jacob Rees-Mogg
Jacob Rees-Mogg also suggests Boris Johnson should return to the political front line as foreign secretary

Sir Jacob Rees-Mogg has urged Rishi Sunak to strike a general election pact with Reform UK.

He called on the Prime Minister to offer senior figures like Nigel Farage and Richard Tice the chance to be Tory candidates.

The former business secretary said the Prime Minister should make a “big, open and comprehensive offer to those in Reform” to join the Conservative Party, as he argued a united Right would put victory at the next election “within reach”.

Specifically, he said Mr Sunak should offer “candidate selection to senior members of the Reform Party such as the estimable Ben Habib, Mr Tice and of course, the one and only Nigel Farage”.

But Tory sources poured cold water on the prospect on Wednesday, unequivocally ruling out offering Reform figures the chance to stand for the Conservatives.

And Mr Tice, the Reform leader, repeated his refusal to join forces.

‘We are not that stupid’

He told The Telegraph: “There will be no deals with the Tories. They are using our policy platform as a sort of crib sheet for what they think they should support on gender ID, solar farms, immigration and so on.

“But we know it’s just electioneering. Fourteen years of failure, of zero delivery, shows they cannot be believed.

“We are not that stupid nor are voters. Nobody is listening to the untrustworthy Tories who say one thing and do another.”

Sir Jacob also suggested Boris Johnson should return to the political front line as foreign secretary after Mr Sunak appeared to extend an olive branch to the former prime minister earlier this week.

He told GB News: “With the help of Nigel Farage in a Conservative government, as a Conservative minister, with Boris Johnson probably returning as foreign secretary and welcoming the likes of Ben Habib and Richard Tice into our party, as well as pursuing genuinely conservative policies, winning the next election suddenly becomes within reach.”

The Lib Dems said the remarks were reminiscent of a Tory “soap opera” which is making the public “sick to the back teeth”.

Nigel Farage
Sir Jacob urges the Prime Minister to offer senior figures like Nigel Farage the chance to be Tory candidates - SIMON WOHLFAHRT/AFP

Daisy Cooper, the party’s deputy leader, said if Mr Sunak had “any bottle” he would strip Sir Jacob of the Tory whip and rule out a role for Mr Farage.

Mr Tice has repeatedly ruled out doing any sort of general election deal with the Conservative Party, while Mr Sunak has argued a vote for Reform is a vote to put Sir Keir Starmer in No 10.

Speaking on his GB News show, Sir Jacob said the next election poses “fundamental questions” for the Tories, including what it means to be a conservative.

“The answer lies in reuniting the Right. What we need is a big, open and comprehensive offer to those in Reform,” he said.

“We had this in 2010 to the Liberals who were hardly our soulmates. But most members of Reform are not a million miles away from most Conservative voters and members, politically.

“So the Prime Minister should offer candidate selection to senior members of the Reform Party such as the estimable Ben Habib, Richard Tice and of course, the one and only Nigel Farage.”

Richard Tice refuses to join forces with the Tories
Richard Tice refuses to join forces with the Tories - OLI SCARFF/AFP

He recommended an array of policies, including slashing net migration to the tens of thousands, rolling back “the disastrous green agenda” and cracking down on “wasteful wokery”.

“That is what voting for a Conservative government would mean at the next election if we manage this great offer and it is our only chance of climbing this electoral mountain,” he added.

Ms Cooper said: “The Conservative Party is a shambolic mess. Rishi Sunak’s MPs are in open revolt and he does not have the backbone to stand up to them.

“If the Prime Minister had any bottle he would suspend the whip from Rees-Mogg and rule out Nigel Farage being allowed into the Conservative Party.

“The public is sick to the back teeth of this endless Conservative soap opera as they watch the NHS crumble, filthy sewage pumped into their waterways and their mortgages spiral.

“Rishi Sunak should put us all out of our misery and call a general election.”
