Emmerdale death fears for Mackenzie Boyd in 24 spoiler pictures

mack boyd, emmerdale
Emmerdale reveals Mack death fears in 24 picturesITV

Next week on Emmerdale, Mackenzie Boyd is left seriously injured after Charity Dingle lashes out during a night terror.

Elsewhere, Nicola and Jimmy King receive bad news about Angelica's future, while Tom and Belle King return from their honeymoon.

Our 24-picture gallery offers a sneak peek at what's in store.

Monday, February 19: Ruby isn't finished with her revenge

Last week, she publicly exposed Caleb and Tracy's affair during Belle and Tom's wedding reception.

ruby, kim tate, emmerdale

Monday, February 19: Ruby approaches Kim

She suggests they should join forces and make Caleb suffer.

ruby, kim tate, emmerdale

Monday, February 19: Tracy visits Nate

Nate is struggling to forgive Tracy for her betrayal.

nate robinson, tracy robinson, emmerdale

Monday, February 19: Tracy makes a plea

She urges Nate to prioritise Frankie's welfare above his own and let her return home.

nate robinson, tracy robinson, emmerdale

Tuesday, February 20: Suni's party gets under way

His loved ones gather to celebrate.

jai sharma, suni sharma, emmerdale

Tuesday, February 20: Amit arrives

This unsettles Jai, who hadn't expected to see him.

suni sharma, amit sharma, emmerdale

Tuesday, February 20: Angel receives bad news

Her Youth Justice worker has recommended a custodial sentence.

angel king, jimmy king, nicola king, emmerdale

Tuesday, February 20: Marlon and Rhona seek legal advice

They're not giving up on baby Ivy.

marlon dingle, rhona goskirk, emmerdale

Tuesday, February 20: Ethan makes a suggestion

He says they should tell Gus about their plans to apply for parental rights of Ivy.

ethan anderson, emmerdale

Wednesday, February 21: Charity reflects on recent events

She heads to a graveyard.

charity dingle, emmerdale

Wednesday, February 21: Charity visits Harry's grave

She's still haunted by the events of Christmas.

charity dingle, emmerdale

Wednesday, February 21: Charity starts to feel defiant

She trashes Harry's grave, determined to take her power back.

charity dingle, emmerdale

Wednesday, February 21: Tom and Belle return from honeymoon

Belle asserts herself, but Tom puts his foot down and is determined to be in control.

tom king, belle king, emmerdale

Thursday, February 22: Charity's troubles continue

She suffers a night terror.

charity dingle, emmerdale

Thursday, February 22: Mack is in the firing line

He ends up seriously injured when Charity lashes out, believing that she's acting in self-defence.

mack boyd, emmerdale

Thursday, February 22: April isn't happy

She's angry over Rhona's recent runaway plan.

rhona goskirk, april windsor, marlon, dingle, emmerdale

Thursday, February 22: April speaks her mind

She gives Rhona both barrels for abandoning the family and prioritising baby Ivy.

rhona goskirk, april windsor, emmerdale

Thursday, February 22: Tom is shocked

Belle decides to surprise him at work following advice from Mandy.

tom king, emmerdale

Thursday, February 22: Tom is not amused

He rebukes Belle for disrupting him at work.

tom king, emmerdale

Thursday, February 22: Belle gets upset

Tom's reaction isn't what she'd expected.

belle king, emmerdale

Friday, February 23: Nicola and Jimmy receive more bad news

Brenda had agreed to give Angel a character reference, but she missed the submission deadline.

jimmy king, nicola king, emmerdale

Friday, February 23: The reality of the situation dawns on Nicola

There's nothing more that can be done to help Angel.

jimmy king, nicola king, emmerdale

Friday, February 23: Nate wants to move on from Tracy

He suggests starting the process of their divorce.

tracy robinson, nate robinson, emmerdale

Friday, February 23: Tracy is defeated

There seems to be no future for her broken marriage.

tracy robinson, nate robinson, emmerdale

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