Dystopian in the catchiest way – how Kim Jong-un’s propaganda song conquered TikTok

Kim Jong-un with children in military uniforms
North Koreans of all ages are seen in the video singing lyrics praising Kim Jong-un as their 'Friendly Father' - KCTV

North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un has found fame on TikTok, with international viewers celebrating his regime’s recent propaganda song as “dystopian in the catchiest way”.

Friendly Father – a synthy electropop tune – is the latest in a string of pop songs the authoritarian state’s leaders have released over the past 50 years.

It praises Kim, who succeeded his father in power has ruled with an iron fist for the past 12 years, for the “brighter future” he offers North Koreans, and shows citizens fervently waving flags and cheering for the dictator.

“It’s so dystopian in the catchiest way,” said one TikTok user. “This song is like the end of a movie where the whole town gathers together and sings in unity while spinning in a circle,” says another of the upbeat video.

Some users have even recorded their own versions of the song, with one pianist adding a note to his cover reading: “In no way do I support Kim Jong-un and his dictatorship.”

Peter Moody, a North Korea analyst at Sungkyunkwan University, described the popularity of the song as “significant”.

“North Korean songs have gone viral before, but usually it’s been to mock them,” he told The Telegraph.

“But this is one of the first – if not only – times I’ve heard about a North Korean song going viral with people in different parts of the world expressing appreciation for it, musically.”

Citizens bombarded with patriotic songs

Music is one of North Korea’s most powerful tools – despite the country severely limiting creative and artistic freedom.

Citizens wake up each morning to propaganda songs booming out from town squares, while lyrics to new songs are printed in newspapers across the country. Often, North Koreans must learn dances too.

Scholars say that the melodies are written to be simple and accessible, while tunes are pitched at a vocal range that most people can sing.

North Koreans give the thumbs-up in the video designed to bolster their dictator's image
North Koreans give the thumbs-up in the video designed to bolster their dictator's image - KCTV

Dr Moody said Friendly Father is being played on North Korean television between programmes, and also probably on loudspeakers both in urban and rural areas as a motivation tool.

Analysts have described an increasing effort to build a cult of personality around Kim, and the lyrics of the song reflect this.

Kim is referred to as “father” and “the Great” – terms previously reserved for North Korea’s first leader, his grandfather Kim Il-sung – which could indicate a move to taking Kim on the role of “Supreme Leader”.

“The goal of this particular song that is going viral is to bolster Kim Jong-un’s image as a fatherly figure in order to elevate his status and stature to the level of his father and grandfather, both of whose reputation he previously relied on to indicate his legitimacy to be the successor,” said Dr Moody.
