Dangerous cyclists should face driving ban under new law, says Mr Loophole

Nick Freeman, a prominent motoring lawyer also known as Mr Loophole, says 'reckless abandonment by cyclists of any consequence must be stopped'
Nick Freeman, a prominent motoring lawyer also known as Mr Loophole, says 'reckless abandonment by cyclists of any consequence must be stopped' - Lorne Campbell/Guzelian

Dangerous cyclists should have their driving licences confiscated and be subject to drink and drug testing under new laws, a prominent motoring lawyer has said.

Nick Freeman, known as Mr Loophole, called for tougher rules on cyclists after The Telegraph revealed how a dog walker died following a collision with a bicycle in London’s Regent’s Park.

The call comes as MPs prepare to debate amendments to the Criminal Justice Bill on Wednesday that would criminalise killing or injuring others while riding a bicycle.

Bicycle riders are not subject to the same laws as car drivers because current road legislation only applies to “mechanically propelled” vehicles.

An 1861 law criminalises “wanton and furious driving”, including cycling. It carries a maximum prison sentence of two years, although under current rules this is reduced by a third if a defendant pleads guilty.

Mr Loophole”, whose clients have included Jeremy Clarkson and David Beckham, has previously called for cyclists to display compulsory identification similar to a vehicle’s number plate and to have licences and mandatory insurance cover.

Speaking about the Regent’s Park death, where police said “no criminal act” had been committed, Mr Freeman said: “Not only should cyclists, like drivers, face lengthy sentences if convicted, if they hold a driving licence, they should face mandatory disqualification too.”

He added: “This reckless abandonment by cyclists of any consequence must be stopped.”

‘We need the law in place, it’s a no-brainer’

Suggesting that cyclists who hit pedestrians did not fear the law at present, the lawyer said: “I understand there aren’t many cyclists each year who kill, but for those who do, we need the law in place.

“And if we’re talking about road safety, it’s a no-brainer. We need speed limits, we need a drink-drive limit for cyclists, we need a drug-drive limit.”

“The Government needs to introduce offences such as causing death by dangerous cycling or causing serious injury by dangerous cycling.

“Such offences would directly mirror existing offences which apply to motorists who kill or who cause serious injury and so carry exactly the same serious punishment “

Official figures show that the number of pedestrians hit by cyclists has increased by a third since 2020.

Police recorded 462 collisions in 2022, the most recent year for which statistics are available.

Sir Iain Duncan Smith, the Tory grandee, has tabled parliamentary amendments to the Criminal Justice Bill due to be debated on Wednesday.

The changes are supported by other prominent backbenchers, including Suella Braverman, the former home secretary, Sir Robert Buckland, the former justice secretary, and Sir Jacob Rees-Mogg.

The amendments would create new crimes making it an offence to kill or injure another person while riding a bicycle, e-bike or electric scooter.

‘They cycle with impunity’

Urging the Government to support the amendments, Mr Freeman added: “We need the same legislation that exists for other motor vehicles.

“We just need to be sensible, we need to impose speed limits for cyclists, and we need to make them accountable in the same way that we make motorists accountable,” he told The Telegraph.

“They are largely unaccountable. They cycle with impunity. They constantly break the limited law that applies.

“So the law needs to be made loud and clear: ‘If you are a cyclist and you kill or seriously injure someone you could end up in prison for a long time’.

“Hopefully such legislation would put an end to needless and tragic deaths and make the roads safer for all users.”

The Telegraph revealed this month how dog walker Hilda Griffiths, 81, a retired nursery teacher, died after a collision with bike rider Brian Fitzgerald, a Credit Suisse director, in Regent’s Park two years ago.

An inquest heard that Mr Fitzgerald had reached speeds of up to 29mph while racing around the park and completing timed laps using a Garmin device.

Police said at the inquest that there were “no criminal acts which would allow prosecution” of the cyclist.
