Cost of living explorer 2024: track the impact of Australia’s quarterly CPI on prices
Over the past 12 months the rate of inflation was 3.8%, according to the latest consumer price index (CPI) figures from the Australian Bureau of Statistics.
Change in prices is not uniform across Australia, and ABS data shows some capital cities are experiencing greater price rises than others, and some items are increasing in cost more quickly, or even decreasing.
We’ve brought together all the data that goes into Australia’s headline inflation figures, broken down into the most detailed goods and services categories available. This uses the most recent figures, which are for the September 2023 quarter.
The data explorer shows the change in the price index, which is the cost of the item converted to 100 in a given base year, with each other year’s price presented in relation to the base year.
For example, something that originally cost $3 in the base year but now costs $3.5 would show an index changing from 100 to 116. This makes the change in price comparable across different items and services.
The interactive also shows percentage change in price, which compares the price for a given quarter to the quarter one year previous.
According to the ABS, insurance was again one of the main contributors to inflation in the June quarter, with rises in premiums across car, house and contents insurance “reflecting higher reinsurance, natural disaster and claims costs”.
Rents rose 2% this quarter, which the ABS said was due to “strong demand and low vacancy rates across most capital cities”.
While inflation for food overall slowed from 3.8% in the March quarter to 3.3% this quarter, the cost of fruit has increased by 4.7% year-on-year.