An attack on Trump is an attack on American democracy

Criminal trials against Trump haven't damaged his political popularity
Criminal trials against Trump haven't damaged his political popularity - Michael M Santiago /AFP

In the criminal case styled “The People v. Donald J. Trump”, both the people and Trump will win, and the institutions, people and culture that created this spectacle will lose – no matter the verdict.

This case, like the civil charade earlier this year, shined a spotlight on the type of institutional failure that drives the MAGA movement to reclaim America and American values – to refresh government of, by and for the people with a renewed commitment to truth, justice and the American Way.

This is the case that an honest prosecutor should never have brought, and if brought, that a judge vigilantly preserving the rule of law should have thrown out.

The crime charged requires that a false business record be created by the defendant with an intent to defraud and with the intent to commit or hide a second crime. Not a single element of the crime charged fits: the check register is a personal record not a business record and the record was not created with an intent to fool someone into giving Trump something. Of course it can’t be, because it’s a private record of a check written rather than a record created with public intent.

There is no other crime – while malicious blackmail is a crime, payments to avoid the publication of derogatory information, true or false, is unquestionably legal, and often the least expensive way of dispensing with a shake-down.

It’s hard to shake the feeling that the progressive prosecutor who pursued this case might have hoped, at least in part, to propagate damaging information about a candidate for the presidency despised by the increasingly nervous Democratic party establishment. Trump doesn’t threaten democracy, he is democracy.

The people already know Trump is an imperfect human, but they also know that imperfect men are sometimes what are needed for difficult moments in American history. This motif is not new; just as Hal became Henry V, Trump has grown into his position as a national political leader.

Trump is an aggressive, optimistic builder, a man who pursues success relentlessly. The MAGA movement is essentially a home renovation project to refresh the original splendor of America and to reform institutions that have been set against the people.

Consider the common sense simplicity of what the MAGA movement demands: an FBI that pursues criminals instead of parents complaining to school boards; public health institutions that that do not limit freedoms by fiat on false premises and that are grounded in reality; prosecutors that prosecute to protect people, instead of criminals; a military that trains warriors to win wars; intelligence agencies that do not spy on, or seek to censor, ordinary Americans; a border security agency that keeps the border secure; and a president that will promote real equality and opportunity for all rather than keeping hate alive for political purposes.

So, in the case of the Democrat Establishment v. Trump, it’s appropriate that it falls to the people to make the right call – first to the people on the jury and then, regardless of the verdict they may render, to the voters of this nation come November.

We should be confident in the outcome because ordinary Americans are pragmatic people. In a case brought by a Democrat prosecutor in front of a Democrat judge in a heavily Democrat county for rank political purposes, the people will see this unpleasant farce for what it is. Trump will triumph, and an establishment that has lost its way, led by a president who can’t find his way off the stage, will lose.
