What the papers say – January 9

The crisis in the Persian Gulf has been well and truly knocked off the front pages by the crisis in the royal family, in the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s decision to step back from being senior royals.

The Sun captures the moment with a catchy headline, calling the couple’s decision “Megxit”.

The i, by contrast, has a front page headline saying only “Prince quits”, and barely mentions Meghan.

The Daily Express calls it a “Royal family bombshell”, while The Daily Telegraph reports that “Harry and Meghan quit the firm”.

The decision is another sign of a split in the royal family, according to The Times.

The Daily Mail focuses on the Queen’s “fury” over Harry and Meghan saying “We quit”.

Metro and the Daily Mirror say the couple did not tell the Queen of their decision.

And The Guardian also leads on the royal couple, giving some prominence to their complaints of media bullying and smears.

The Financial Times reports Harry and Meghan on their front page, but gives greater prominent to Donald Trump’s “measured” reaction to Iran’s missile strikes.

And the Daily Star leads with a story on scientists saying people should eat pond scum.
