What the papers say – September 2

Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s threats against rebel Tory MPs who may try to stop him pushing through a no-deal Brexit dominate Monday’s newspapers.

The Daily Telegraph and The Times lead with Mr Johnson’s warnings of expulsion from the Conservative Party to the rebel MPs.

The Daily Express and Daily Mail also carry the same story.

The Guardian says Mr Johnson is willing to sacrifice his parliamentary majority by acting against the rebels, thus paving the way for an imminent general election.

The Independent and the i report on senior cabinet member Michael Gove saying Mr Johnson might defy any legislation raised by the rebel MPs to block a no-deal Brexit.

And the Metro seems to sum up a big week ahead in all things Brexit, under a headline of “Ready, Steady, Chaos!”

Meanwhile, the Financial Times reports on a radical Labour Party plan to confiscate some £300 billion-worth of shares in companies and give them to workers.

The Daily Mirror leads with a story about British safari tourists killing animals in the name of sport.

The Sun reports on celebrity Kellie Maloney’s alleged suicide bid.

And the Daily Star leads on dwarf pantomime star “Claire” complaining of being teased about her height, by other dwarfs.
