Teen completes six somersaults off a trampoline

A daredevil teen rocketed into the air as he completed an astonishing six somersaults off a single bounce on a trampoline - in his back garden.

Ernest Brenchley was seen soaring above the trees in dramatic footage caught on camera - performing his signature 'sextuple kaboom'.

The fearless 14-year-old spun around six times at remarkable speed before landing on a safety mat flung down by pals who cheered in disbelief at the incredible feat.

Ernest is thought to be the only person in the world to have performed a septuple kaboom - completing seven flips in a single jump on a professional trampoline.

He almost spun into the 100ft ceiling when he performed the stunt at BounceLab in Blep, Switzerland, in June.

The thrill-seeking youngster, from Goudhurst, in Kent, has gained an impressive 36,000 followers on Instagram with Usain Bolt among fans liking his videos.

He said: "I just love going higher than most, getting really really high and doing the most amount of flips.

"It's really scary. Sometimes you land on your nose, face or neck but if you can get over the fear, it doesn't hurt at all.

"It's my life passion - if I quit, I'd be lost."
