Grandmother stuns Question Time audience with question on knife crime

A woman blasted slammed politicians on BBC Question Time last night for failing to address the UK's knife crime epidemic.

She told the panel "we are not supposed to be burying our children, our children are supposed to be burying us."

The grandmother added: "What is it going to take for the MPs to sit down and say something has got to be done?

"Has it got to be your son or your daughter that's got to be killed for you to deal with it?

"We are fed up of seeing our parents crying. As adults we are not supposed to be burying our children, our children are supposed to be burying us.

"I've got 14 grandchildren and I'm so scared, so scared. It's not only London, it's happening in Manchester, Birmingham up and down the UK.

"You lot ain't doing nothing - and this is what I'm working for to pay my taxes to sit down and watch you lot every year take a £2,000 pay rise when people are out there suffering.

"Your own soldiers are sleeping on the street that went and served in the war. You lot don't give a damn about nobody other than yourselves."
