No-deal Brexit rejected completely by MPs

MPs have rejected an amendment which includes seeking to delay Brexit until May 22 by 374 votes to 164, majority 210.

Responding to MPs' vote to rule out a no-deal Brexit, the chairman of the Leave Means Leave campaign, John Longworth, said: "To remove no-deal would completely undermine the UK's negotiating position and it's clear the narrow loss of this vote reflects the importance of having a no-deal option in place.

"As any business person knows, unless you are prepared to walk away from the table the negotiation is lost before it is started.

"In any event no-deal is now the best deal available and would see the referendum result delivered, liberty for our country and a boost for the economy and living standards. Fortunately Parliament cannot vote away no-deal without a change in the law, so no-deal remains on the table."
