Law Society warns of no-deal Brexit risks to crime-fighting measures

Britain will face a significant gap in its ability to tackle cross-border crime and terrorism if there is a no-deal Brexit, the Law Society of England and Wales warned.

Crashing out of the European Union would mean losing access to tools including the European Arrest Warrant, cross-border crime agency Europol and judicial co-operation unit Eurojust.

Law Society president Christina Blacklaws said: “If on March 29 we crash out of the EU without a deal, among the only people cheering will be criminals and those who wish us harm.”

The society, which represents solicitors, said an orderly transition period would allow new arrangements to be put in place covering criminal justice co-operation.

The Prime Minister Theresa May has repeatedly stressed her desire to secure a deal and a close partnership with Brussels on security and justice measures.

But the Law Society warned of the uncertainty surrounding a possible no-deal Brexit.

Ms Blacklaws said: “The absence of clear guidance or information about contingency planning when it comes to criminal justice is deeply troubling as there will be immediate consequences from a no-deal and any new agreements can only be forged once Britain has left the EU, leaving a significant gap in our ability to fight crime and terrorism.”
