Welsh town wants world's steepest street title

Harlech, a town in North Wales, is seeking the title of world's steepest street and has submitted measurements to Guinness World Records.

Later this month, officials will confirm if the road has a gradient of 36% mor more.This would be steeper than Baldwin Street in Dunedin, New Zealand, which has a gradient of 35% at its steepest.

Gwyn Headley, who is behind the attempt, is confident. Talking to the BBC he said:"I was driving down it in the summer when it struck me how steep it could be."

Reacting to the impending threat of losin gtheir title the mayor of Dunedin Dave Cull said Bladwin Street had faced challenges before but had "seen them off".

"If Wales turns out to have a steeper one we will just have to arrange one of our periodic earthquakes and tilt Baldwin a bit more" said Cull.

Seemingly aware of the battle the Welsh village would have on their hands Mr Headley added: "We suspect they are steepening the street. It may not be the only record they lose this year (referring to the Rugby World Cup in September)."

Guinness World Records defines the record for steepest street based on the maximum gradient over a ten metre span, taking into account the vertical rise to the horizontal distance. The street or road must also by a thoroughfare that is commonly used by the public, who are able to drive vehicles across it.
