What the papers say – January 1


A variety of stories lead the papers as the world welcomes 2019, from the ongoing “crisis” with migrants in the Channel through to Brexit.

The Times leads with optimism – with a poll suggesting that half of all Britons think their personal finances will remain the same or improve as Britain leaves the European Union.

The DailyTelegraph leads with Sajid Javid ordering two more Cutters to the Channel to “deal with the migrant crisis”.

The i leads with the same story, saying the Home Secretary recalled boats from the Mediterranean to patrol the area.

The DailyMail also leads with issues on the Channel, saying Mr Javid’s U-turn was “humiliating”.

The DailyExpress says that migrants attempting to cross the Channel will be “rescued then returned immediately”.

The Independent leads with energy companies removing cheap tariffs ahead of a cap on bills being introduced from Tuesday.

The DailyMirror carries details about a new law which could signal the end of the “postcode lottery” for IVF.

The Sun reports that thousands of soldiers are facing a “Grenfell-style disaster” caused by problems in their barracks, after “repeated budget cuts… and a decline in safety drills”.

And the Daily Star leads with predictions of a cold snap.
