Honey bee killing Asian hornet confirmed in Cornwall

A sighting of the honey bee killing Asian hornet has been confirmed in Cornwall.

The Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs said work was already under way to identify any nests and destroy them.

The latest sighting of the Asian hornet in the UK was in the Fowey area of south Cornwall.

Bee inspectors from the Animal and Plant Health Agency’s National Bee Unit have started carrying out surveillance and monitoring a 2km radius around the initial sighting.

It is smaller than the native hornet and poses no greater risk to human health than a bee but does pose a risk to honey bees.

Nicola Spence, Defra deputy director for plant and bee health, said: “While the Asian hornet poses no greater risk to human health than a bee, we recognise the damage they can cause to honey bee colonies.

“That’s why we are taking swift and robust action to locate and investigate any nests in the south Cornwall areas following this confirmed sighting.

“Following the successful containment of the Asian hornet incursion in North Devon last year and Tetbury previously, we have a well-established protocol in place to eradicate them and control any potential spread.

“We remain vigilant across the country, working closely with the National Bee Unit and their nationwide network of bee inspectors.”
