Liz Truss Blames 'Deep State' For Chaos Her Mini-Budget Triggered

Former prime minister Liz Truss during the launch of the Popular Conservatism movement at the Emmanuel Centre in central London.
Former prime minister Liz Truss during the launch of the Popular Conservatism movement at the Emmanuel Centre in central London.

Former prime minister Liz Truss during the launch of the Popular Conservatism movement at the Emmanuel Centre in central London.

Liz Truss has blamed the “deep state” for the turmoil unleashed by her mini-budget in an eyebrow-raising article for Fox News.

The ex-PM said: “In too much of the free world, the left has been in charge for too long and the results are all too plain to see.

“Their agents are only too active in public and private institutions and what we have come to know as the administrative state and the deep state.

“I saw this for myself first hand as they sabotaged my efforts in Britain to cut taxes, reduce the size of government and restore democratic accountability.”

Truss’s short time in office is remembered for her disastrous mini-budget, which crashed the pound and sent the markets into chaos.

The Bank of England governor Andrew Bailey even said it damaged the UK’s reputation internationally.

She also claimed the West “is doomed unless conservatives win again” in her article.

While she was talking about politicians with a general conservative ideology, it is worth pointing out that Conservative Party have been in charge of the UK for years – since 2010, in fact.

The Conservative Party also governed for 65 years overall across the 20th Century, holding office for longer than any other party.

Truss’s time as PM broke records in its own right, as she was ousted by her own Conservative Party after just 45 days in office – because of her mini-budget.

She was then replaced with another Conservative, Rishi Sunak, who is still PM today.

Many Brits actually want the party out of office, according to the opinion polls, after years of turmoil.

Further down in the piece, Truss did acknowledge the Tories’ time in Downing Street, but claimed Britain is “one of the few countries in the West with conservatives still in power”.

Actually, European politics have swung to the right in recent years, with right wing parties growing in popularity in countries like France, Italy and Sweden.

According to the former PM, all conservatives share these common values: “A love of liberty; a belief in the importance of the family as a building block for society; pride in our nation; distrust of unnecessary state intervention in our lives.”

The backbencher also resumed her attack on “wokeism” on Fox News’ website, claiming there was an “obsession with zealous degrowth environmentalism” and the “pushing of so-called trans ideology”.

And, despite being a government official for years, she called for the “cozy status quo” to be overturned.

The article warned that conservative values are “being undermined” in the States by Democrat Joe Biden’s administration and the left-wing.

Truss even claimed the left-wing elite would work with “our enemies in China, Iran and Russia”.

It’s worth noting that incumbent president Joe Biden’s rival in the upcoming presidential election is widely expected to be former president Donald Trump, who has made his own sympathies for Russia’s authoritarian leader Vladimir Putin known over the years.

In the piece the former PM also promoted her new book,Ten Years To Save the West – a title already heavily ridiculed for its premise alone.

She said her book reflects “on my decade serving in (and latterly presiding over)” in the British government, carefully not mentioning how long she was actually No.10 Downing Street’s main resident.

However, she did not mention the new movement she has been at the forefront of, Popular Conservatism.

The article was also released a day before Truss heads to Washington DC to address the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC).

