Mum in hysterics filming her baby boy driving their puppy crazy by playing with his new dog toy

A young mum captured the entertaining moment a cockapoo got jealous of his best friend's new toy. Abigail Johnson, from Portsmouth, had bought her son Charlie, a new toy of a miniature barking dog - and it had some competition for the little boy's affections.

She gave Charlie the toy to play with but had no idea she'd get such a boisterous reaction from their puppy Lola. Lola, stared suspiciously at the new toy before flying into a fit of jealousy at the attention Charlie was giving the fake dog.

Abigail immediately whipped out her phone to capture the hilarious scene as Charlie burst into a fit of giggles and tried to play with both dogs at the same time to eliminate any feelings of neglect.

"Barking like mad and jumping about"

Abigail said: "I've always got my phone on me ready to film Charlie and Lola and send any videos I get over to my partner when he's at work.

"Charlie and Lola were being naughty again, trying to eat crayons out of our cupboard, so I pulled out the dog toy I'd bought Charlie the day before.

"Lola balked away from it straight away - she was very suspicious and I could see her trying to work out what it was.

"As Charlie played with the toy, Lola was barking like mad and jumping about the carpet, it was hilarious.

"Dogs were a big part of my childhood, so it really makes me smile seeing Charlie grow up with his own furry best friend and I'm so happy we brought Lola into the family."
