Carrying heavy shopping 'can boost stress'


As Britain rushes out to the sales researchers have issued a timely warning about carrying heavy shopping bags and stress.

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A scientific study has claimed that lifting heavy objects can lead to shoppers regarding all matters more seriously.

The study was carried out by the Chinese University of Hong Kong and National University of Singapore - and looked at how holding heavy things affected individuals' outlooks.

One group was asked to hold shopping bags full of weighty items before giving their opinion on an unrelated topic - while another group was left empty-handed and then asked the same questions.

The findings were that the first group gave the subject on which they were quizzed much more importance.

This led the researchers to herald a link between physical weight carried and "psychological weight" - and to claims that carrying heavy shopping could cause stress.

Which is a good excuse for online shopping if we ever heard one!

What do you reckon? Have you noticed this yourself? Comment below...
