Police force to tweet a day's incidents


Ever wondered what the police get up to in a 24 hour period? Well, today you can find out because the Greater Manchester Police force is set to list every one of the incidents they deal with for the next 24 hours.

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Peter Fahy, Chief Constable, is keen to show the public and politicians exactly what his officers are faced with on a daily basis.

"Policing is often seen in very simple terms, with cops chasing robbers and locking them up," he told the Daily Express. "However, the reality is that this accounts for only part of the work they have to deal with."

Mr Fahy pointed out that much of his officers' time is spent dealing with social problems "such as missing children, people with mental health problems and domestic abuse", which take time and expertise to resolve.

He added: "I think that it's time to start measuring performance in a different way.

"There needs to be more focus on how the public sector as a whole is working together to tackle society's issues and problems.

"We see time and again the same families, the same areas and the same individuals causing the same problems and these people are causing a considerable drain to the public purse."

It's true that many of us are more than ready to complain about crime levels in our local areas but how many of us realise the time devoted to social problems as mentioned by Mr Fahy.

As the Government prepares its spending review, details of which are due to be announced next week, the police force could face serious budget cuts.

Perhaps a day of police tweets will make both politicians and public aware of the work they do.

What do you think? Do we too easily criticise the police in this country and can the Government justify budget cuts? Leave your comments below...
