Homeowner baffled by sister’s ‘crazy’ financial request

A woman can’t believe a family member is demanding to live in her new house.

She consulted Reddit’s “Am I the A******” forum for advice. She and her boyfriend just bought a house. They don’t plan on having children, but they do have two dogs. Her older sister has a one-year-old and is pregnant with her second child. The sister requested that the couple give her the house so she could rent it from them.

“So me and my boyfriend recently bought a house together,” the Reddit poster explained. “The primary reason for buying a house was to have room for ourselves and our dogs. My sister currently has a one-year-old daughter and recently found out that she is pregnant again. Last week, she called me to ask if she could live in our house. She offered to pay £1200 per month in rent so that we could rent out a nice place of our own. I asked why she wanted to do this, and she explained that she wants room for her children. I explained to her that as much as I would like to be able to help her, me and my boyfriend worked hard to buy a house, so we didn’t want to leave and go back to renting.”

The sister became upset at the Reddit poster’s refusal. Then the sibling’s father got involved.

“She immediately got really p**** off with me,” the Reddit poster said. “She said that I’m ‘selfish’ for buying a house when I don’t want kids, when there are so many families, such as hers, who could use my house. After I told her that she wouldn’t be getting to live in my house, she told me that me and my husband will never have a family, regardless of how many ‘mutts’ we fill it with. I haven’t spoken to her since. Today, my father called me. I told him about how ridiculous my sister was being. However, he sided with her, although not nearly as crazily. He said that I should ‘think about it’ since I’d be doing my sister a ‘favour.'”

Reddit users thought the sister’s demand was absurd.

“Your sister’s request is crazy. Why would you leave your new home so that she could move in?” one person said.

“The next time your dad brings it up, tell him to give her his house,” another wrote.

“It’s amazing how many awful people demand favours,” a person commented.
