Janet Devlin forgets her words on The X Factor (again!)

Flame-haired Irish warbler Janet Devlin made a mess of her Hanson cover on this Saturday night's 'X Factor' by forgetting the admittedly bizarre - though relatively simple - lyrics to their classic nonsense pop song 'MMMBop'. Janet claimed she was feeling a little sick backstage prior to her performance and it was that which caused the slip-up. Though we all remember her inability to recall the lyrics to that Jackson 5 song a few weeks back, don't we? Hmmm (Bop)... The 17 year-old from County Tyrone was hammered for it by the judges, with the now largely redundant act-less judge Louis Walsh saying:

“Janet did you forget the words? You messed up but at least you carried on. That was the right thing to do. It wasn’t a great performance or song.”

Tulisa agreed, adding:

“Janet you look really upset, you know the mistakes you made and I think the nerves took over. I found it quite mediocre for this stage of the competition.“

Ms. Devlin's lack of a retentive memory wasn't the only controversy though. Head Judge Gary Barlow, on praising Amelia Lily's cover of T'Pau's 'China In Your Hand', said:

“I remember the original of this song and it was nice to hear it sang in tune for once! “

T'Pau singer Carol Decker immediately took to Twitter to hit back at the Take That-er, with:

“@GBarlowOffical what's your f***ing problem ? I actually have perfect pitch!”


Gary Barlow you tw*t! & I had to suffer a Take That concert for the sake of my kids this summer!”

This beef could turn out to be one of the great musical rivalries, like Blur vs. Oasis or Biggie Vs. Tupac. Watch this space.

That aside, it was another hit and miss show for the finalists. Each act had to deliver two songs, with one being from one of their 'Heroes' and the other being a Guilty Pleasure (apparently Guilty Pleasure are 'songs like 'MMMBop'', not 'eating three Cornettos in a row in your pants, while watching repeats of 'Snog, Marry, Avoid'', like we thought.

[See also: Get the X Factor verdict on omg!]

Little Mix mashed-up Diana Ross with Justin Bieber and it was as dodgy as that description makes it sound. Still, the new competition favourites more than made up for it with a tear-soaked rendition of Christina Aguilera's 'Beautiful'.

Janet's 'MMMBop' disaster reminded us of when that song came out. A lot of boys were quite disappointed when they found out that lead singer Taylor wasn't a girl, weren't they? Anyway, her second effort, a Red Hot Chili Peppers song was a definite improvement, though it was always going to be, really.

Misha B delivered the performances of the night though. Cyndi Lauper's 'Girls Just Wanna Have Fun' really hit the judge's sweet spots. Tulisa beamed:

“It was amazing. Everything was on point. I loved it!”

Her version of 'Killing Me Softly' was also strong. Misha was the favourite to go before Saturday's show, but based on these performances, she should surely be favourite to win in our (imaginary) book.

Marcus Collins redcoated it up a bit with an abs-flashing cover of Wham's 'I'm Your Man'. It was camper than a row of pink velour tents, but fun. His Stevie Wonder number was a bit pitchy, but heartfelt.

Amelia Lily's T'Pau 'China in your Hand' belter set her up nicely for her second song, but unfortunately for the 'boro lass, her Kelly Clarkson cover wasn't as impressive.

What did you make of this week's show? Is it about time we booted out Janet? After all, how hard is it to remember:

“Mmm bop, ba duba dop

Ba du bop, ba duba dop

Ba du bop, ba duba dop

Ba du. Yeah, yeah!”

Also, take a look at what happened when omg! caught up with this bunch of protestors who want Simon Cowell  back on X Factor.


This article originally appeared on Yahoo! TV Reality at
