Hound Dog Named 'Tater' Rescued By Virginia Firefighters After Getting Stuck In Tree

On Wednesday the Newport News Fire Department in Virginia shared a social media post about an unusual rescue they had to conduct with an animal stuck in a tree.

Now, we are all familiar with cats pulling this stunt, crawling up to high, and having to be saved, but this time it was a dog that needed the rescuing.

The Newport Fire Department posted on Facebook, "A dog in a tree?! Fortunately, NNFD trains for all types of emergencies! Ladder 2 was called to assist animal control to rescue Tater who climbed a tree chasing a cat. He was stuck about 20 ft. up. Senior Firefighter John Pearson and Firefighter Elijah Taylor were able to safely bring Tater down the ladder. Senior Firefighter John Pearson did suffer a minor cut above his eye and we expect a full recovery. Tater was uninjured."

Related: 70-Pound German Shepherd Found 25 Feet Up a Tree in California

The Newport News Fire Department also added, "The cat, according to Cpt. Lord, won! Cat laughed at the dog, climbed down on its own after Tater was rescued by NNFD."

Good for the cat! Many dog owners know the pain of the family dog chasing cats or other small animals, and there are a few ways you can try and get your pup top kick this annoying little habit.

How To Discourage Your Dog From Chasing Cats

Some dogs have a high prey drive. <p>Oksana Shufrych/Shutterstock</p>
Some dogs have a high prey drive.

Oksana Shufrych/Shutterstock

Some dogs are always going to have a high prey drive, and want to chase cats, squirrels or even cars, and that's just in their genetic makeup and it can be pretty difficult to train it out of them, but you can certainly discourage it.

The best thing you can do with any dog is make sure they have a strong understanding of the commands for "sit," "stay," and "leave it." If your dog can obey those, and "come" you will have a lot less problems with them chasing smaller animals.

Keep your dog leashed when on walks so they don't go after squirrels or cats, and if you see your dog not strain at the leash and remain calm when seeing these animals make sure you reward them with positive reinforcement and a treat.

If your dog just won't stop chasing everything in sight, consider consulting a professional dog trainer or dog behaviorist who can provide personalized guidance, training techniques and ideas to help you curb this behavior. So your own dog doesn't end up chasing something up a tree and getting stuck!

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