Golden Retriever Who's 'Not a Morning Person' Brings the Drama When Mom Gets Up

CC Akshat Jhingran/Shutterstock

It's really hard to imagine a Golden Retriever ever being angry, but we guess that's just because we've never seen one at 6 am. Or maybe it's just Duke, a Golden online who was giving his mom some serious shade when she decided to pull the early bird card on him.

We feel ya' Duke. Six in the morning is rough for all of us, especially if you're the type who likes to lay around in bed a bit.

Duke's mom documented his morning 'tude in a hilarious video on her page. The dog was thoroughly ticked that his mom woke him up that early.

Related: Golden Retriever Clearly Says 'Oh No' and We Can't Believe It

"Go back to bed then you don't have to wake up," she told him in the clip. But the damage had already been done. Duke gave his mom some shady side-eye. "You're freaking me out!" she exclaimed. Something tells us she'll never wake her dog up early ever again.

"My Golden Retriever never fails to be the most dramatic," she joked in the caption.

Duke's little temper tantrum caught the attention of the internet, who agreed that the dog had every right to be mad. "He said well you got all these light on," joked one commenter. "Literally he’s so mad," another person teased. "Turn the light off and hushhh, my guy was snoozing," someone else kidded. "That's not very Golden Retriever of him," one person wrote.

How to Know When Your Dog Is Mad at You

So it seems like your dog might be a bit peeved at you — how do you know for sure? There are certain signs that your dog is feeling angry, or at least a little moody. Here are just a handful that can clue you in to their moods.

As this dog mama learned the hard way, body language can be a big indicator as to whether or not your dog is feeling salty. But just because your dog's body language seems a little different, doesn't necessarily mean they're mad at you. Dogs will do things like lick their lips, yawn excessively, or not make eye contact (aka, "whale eye") when they're feeling something. It might come off as anger, but it's very likely to be stress or anxiety, so keep an eye out for that.

Vocalizations are another way that dogs communicate. When a dog growls it usually means to back away. That doesn't mean they're angry per say, but does indicate that you should give them some space.

Finally, if you're dog is ignoring you it might really feel like they're heated. But it could also mean they're tired or aren't feeling well. Sometimes it can even be a sign of depression.

It's important to remember that dogs have a different emotional range than humans do. So there are many shifts in behavior that we think are signs of anger that could actually be signs of pain. If the behavioral changes are extreme, talk to a vet. They'll give you good insight into what's really going on.

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