Golden Retriever Puppy’s Proud Face After Digging in Mud Is Perfect


If there's one thing that puppies do well, it's finding trouble to get into. TikToker Lilianavenz recently brought home a new Golden Retriever puppy, and she's beyond adorable....until she decides to play in some mud! Liliana shared a video of the puppy in mid-April and it's the cutest thing you'll see today!

The video is relatively short but take one look at the pooch and you'll see why Liliana decided to post it! The puppy was clearly digging around in the mud, and mom says in her caption that the puppy was "so proud" before she realized she was in trouble. Her little face shows that she knows mom was mad!

She looked so guilty! But just look at that adorable face! There's no way her mom could stay mad at her. Everybody got a kick out of the Golden Retriever puppy's shenanigans. Liliana's video was viewed more than 5 million times and got more than a thousand comments. Lots of people commented that she's just a baby and that she can do no wrong. @Lovesac asked, "Is your couch okay???" which of course made me think of the dog who used her parents' couch to clean the mud off of herself! Commenter @Jessica could feel Liliana's pain, "I just got an 8-week Golden Retriever puppy and oh my gosh it’s hard work haha!"

Related: Video of Muddy Golden Retriever Using Family’s Couch to Clean off Goes Viral

Cleaning Up Pet Made Messes

If you have a dog, chances are at some point you've cleaned up a mess like the one Liliana's puppy made. I know I have more than once! While it's not funny in the moment, looking back on messes that pets make are some of the best memories. Someday Liliana will laugh over the situation!

We had West Highland Terriers years ago and they loved to dig in our flower beds. We had a doggy door that allowed them to come in and out of the house on their own, and there were a couple of times that they rolled around in the soil and brought the mess inside, happy as could be. They didn't realize that they tracked all that mud and soil around...or they didn't care!

Pets often bring their outside messes inside, or even "presents" like dead birds, lizards, or worse (I'm speaking from experience here...I was gifted with a dead snake). Rolling in the mud (or digging in soil if you have snow white Westies!) calls for a bath, which can be very inconvenient in the middle of the day. Make sure you have emergency supplies (like pet shampoo, soap, etc.) on hand even if you don't normally bathe your pet at never know when you'll need it.

And gentle reminder...when messes happen, remember that correcting bad behavior should never result in yelling and screaming or hitting your pet. Just like with kids there's a right way and a wrong way to discipline, so make sure you (try) to keep your cool.

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